View Full Version : New user looking for support with health anxiety and how to use this site!

28-06-12, 21:51
I'm a 32 year old female, started experienceing anxiety after my first daughter was born I got through that and then experienced anti natal anxiety during my second daughters pregnancy. I have reciently been told I have health anxiety (not a surprise I already knew) and I'm looking for fellow I don't want to use the word sufferers but I suppose that's what I mean. Feeling out on a limb!

28-06-12, 22:01
Hi Chegsy

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

28-06-12, 22:23
Hi Chegsy,

34 year old male, never had a diagnosis but Anxiety is the number one contender! I have suffered on and of for about......8 years if not longer. Just started again with a period of anxiety and good god its one of the most unpleasant things in the world! So how you been feeling recently?

28-06-12, 22:26

I'm not to bad tonight but been to see the GP today for mouth ulcers which of course were of the sinister kind.......NOT. ACtually I have a virus which is nasty and making me feel like rubbish but hopefully Ill be through it soon. How about you?

29-06-12, 08:49
Yep i went to the docs on Monday with a bad throat, of course it was the big 'C'.....Not! Also a virus on Antibiotics now. Still feeling anxious but had lots going on recently so trying not to worry about it. I tend to worry about worrying! You have to laugh at yourself sometimes!

29-06-12, 12:38
Your right, sometimes I think my GP must think I'm barking mad as she explains that pimples are pimples! I Sould/DO know better but can't help the need to JUST CHECK every few days. I managed five weeks before giving in and going this time, I celebrated because this was a GOOD achievement for me right now:yesyes:

29-06-12, 12:50
And what you should look at is how you lasted 5 weeks as that for you is a massive acheivement. You must have found a coping stratagy that worked for you to last those 5 weeks. This is great for you and you should capitalise on this and see if you can go for longer this time using the same or a similar coping stratagy. Well done!!!!