View Full Version : Newbie looking for help and avdice from others experiences

29-06-12, 10:03
Hi all,

I'm a newbie and just wanted to pop in and say hello, I have been struggling on and off with what started out as mild health anxieties after my second child, After not speaking to a doctor about it for 3 years it brought on panic attacks then depression.

Doctor finally started me on Citalopram 10mg and I would just like to listen and speak to others who have had good or bad experiences with this drug and hopefully help others with my input too :D

Kay-Kay x

29-06-12, 10:14
Hi Kay-Kay

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

29-06-12, 13:07
Hi Kay-Kay, Well i had an awful time with your current medication but to be honnest i think it was more my frame of mind at the time than the drug. I eventually 5 years later started taking lustril 50mgs and this worked really well for me. There is the initial increase in anxiety and the sweaty palms and feet that the dr doesnt tell you about but these are just side effect from the drud and go after the first week or two. Have you started the medication yet?

29-06-12, 14:42
Hi Kay-Kay

I amm on citalopram and have found it fine, the initial bedding in symptoms were unpleasent but after that I have managed the medication fine. My anxiety started after my first child, it's hard experiencing new anxiety and trying to function well for your children. I became anxious about being anxious and it's affects on the children and family unit. I can honestly say that the children have been well protected and that there existence has really given me a focus for addressing anxiety and not pretending everything is ok. I hope your feeling better soon I really understand how you feel

C xx

29-06-12, 21:10
One of the reasons I joined the site was to see how other people dealt with this problem, citalopram was the drug I was prescribed and to be honest it turned me into an emotionless zombie, I decided to come off those, what I find amazing looking through all of the forums is that it's just like looking at a mirror image of myself. I find the biggest problem is getting people who havnt suffered to understand whst you are trying to explain!!!!

29-06-12, 21:49
I was given Citalopram 10 years ago and it changed my life (for the better). It helped me function once again. I'm now taking Fluoxetine (Prozac) and am experiencing the same results. Meds affect everyone differently, though. But I always encourage people to not psych themselves out and give the drugs an honest shot and see if it helps.

01-07-12, 08:27
hi all, thanks for all the replies, im feeling a lot better since posting on here and knowing its not just me who hasn't fully taken to the citalopram, my partner is coming to the doctors with me next week and he can explain what he is seeing in me too, I do tend to over analyse the meds sometimes when really they dont fix everything, thanks again everyone xxx :)

---------- Post added at 08:27 ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 ----------

forgot to mention chris, yes ive been on these for one year, first on 10mg which didnt do much, then up to 20mg which took away anxiety and panic but left me unable to feel emotions, so tried dropping back to 10mg to see if I could get some emotions back and hoped that anxiety wouldn't be as bad after almost a year...oh how I was wrong, suppose at least ive tried x