View Full Version : stress anxiety?

29-06-12, 10:13
well after 6weeks of hell the anxiety come down alot n for about 3days n 2day i started stress in alot now feel like hell again. i have diazepam 2 take but im so scared of it. does anyone else get this

30-06-12, 04:05
Yes, I've been terrified of all meds, not so bad now, but if I got anything new, I think I would have a problem.

30-06-12, 15:43
i was really afraid of meds, until i was at a point that i coudn t go on. meds helped me a lot.

30-06-12, 23:18
I am very very ambivalent of meds.. especially antidepressants. I have GAD, OCD and PD and PTSD.. yeah a lot. My symptoms from all have slowly for the most part decreased the past decade with treatment: Medication, counselling, Breathing Techniques, and just getting on with my life and refusing to submit to my conditions. I have had good and bad experiences with medications. I was free of taking daily meds for 5-6 years until today.. and started again on medication as my GAD has gotten really bad again. But the thing is I can stop taking it if I want. Its a new med for me too.. so yes that is something I was and still am anxious about. Everyone is different.. and medications will effect everyone differently. Some people will have to go off and on medications.. some will refuse to go on them. There was a period in my life where taking my medication I think did more harm than good... and another time where if I did not have it.. I don't know what would have happened.
I think if your anxiety over taking medications or taking new meds is greater than your every day anxiety.. maybe it is not the time for meds for you.. or it is not for you.

01-07-12, 03:00
i guess i can c where u's r comin from. any1 else get alot of anxiety after stress in or gettin mad

01-07-12, 03:52
Oh and my onset of major anxiety symotoms all came on strong after a series of stressful life events.. and it was one thing after another and boom, like a switch on my brain my GAD came back in full effect lasting all day every day.
As for normal stess in life... I think it depends. Some stress I deal with very well.. others I don't. Stress issues with my family does cause anxiety...for examply my sister is I'm sure bi-polar and has pushed all of her family away and we have a very strained relationship right now. Just talking about her raises my anxiety. Both my kids can be running around screaming and being loud, and it doesn't phase me.
But also remember anxiety manifests itself with triggers.. where as panic.. often comes out of no where and has no apparent trigger. So our anxieties all come from somewhere. Find the source of your anxiety and you can hopefully find ways to minimise it.. or even better get rid of it :)