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View Full Version : MS/ALS/dystonia/Parkinson/BT/pinched nerve or something else?

29-06-12, 10:26
I have posted a few times here, mostly worrying about my left leg (which is getting better), but now I'm worried about my left arm. I'm right handed and obviously my left arm should be a bit weaker, but the difference seems to big. Also it is more shaky than the right.

I'll explain below in more details. It all started about 1 year ago (about the same time I had the first anxiety attack), when I felt some pain in my left arm...nothing big, but it bothered me for 2 weeks or so. Also at this time I started have tingling in my left forearm (a few times a day). After this I had periods when it would feel kind of strange and periods when I wouldn't notice. Also the tingling disappeared after some time. The last few months though I notice it most of the time...it feels strange and weak and shaky.

Now here it's what I have tried:

- I can hold weights in both arms, without major differences. For example I live in the 6 floor (no elevator) so I can hold 10kg in each arm and get them home.
- I can lift more or less the same weight. For example I can sit down and try to lift something in the range of 6-7kg. I can do it with each arm several times, but my left arm will get tired more easily.
- With both arms straight in front of me, I have tried to hold something in the range of 1kg in both hands. Here the difference is bigger (this is what worries me the most). My left arm will tire much more easily than the right. It's difficult to be objective about this, but it seems to me its getting weaker as the time pass.

Now, when trying to be rational (if you can be rational with HA), I came with the following list:

- MS, both tingling and weakness are associated with MS. I'm not sure how much it would have developed in about 1 year...but in case of MS it seems that the answer is always it depends.
- ALS, I'm 32 years and at low risk. Also I think ALS develop faster, so after 1 year the difference should have been very big.
- Dystonia, seems possible also because I read the people with dystonia have difficulty holding things.
- Parkinson, at 32 years again it's low risk, but still a possibility.
- BT, I know that it can cause this kind of weakness. Although if you have the bad kind, you're dead in about 1 year, so I can exclude that. But maybe some other kind it's possible.
- Pinched nerve. I think the effects of a pinched nerve wouldn't last so long, but again maybe it's possible if you don't do anything about it.
- anything else that can cause something similar???

Anyone comments are welcome.

29-06-12, 11:32
To be honest if you obsess over something you will always find problems.

My main HA is MS and you will alwatys find things that make you convince yourself this is what you have things that on a day to day basis people without HA just ignore. Your left hand may be weaker but thats normal my left hand is weaker aswell.

You need to just relax as ive noticed alot on different forums you have been trying to find an answer and have so far not found any i am now back in a bad patch but ive been here overcome it before and will again we have to or we will spend our whole lifes worrying about something that is never there while people who have these problems get on with there lifes and have to deal with real problems and issues.

Write down when your having problems and if at those times your anxiety was high also during times you dont have anxiety see if it corralates to no issues. Your attempting to find a problem that probably isnt there just relax and live your life

29-06-12, 11:43
Thank you for your answer. I know that the left side is normally weaker...but as I said the difference is too big. Also I notice that I'm using my right arm/hand for everything...

29-06-12, 11:45
Your right handed so why would you not be using your right side for everything its naturaly.

Plus while your worrying your left side will be stressed so will be weaker as the muscles will be tense.

---------- Post added at 11:45 ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 ----------

Just wandering how long are you holding that 1kg weight out for?

29-06-12, 13:13
I can hold it for 1 minute....but after this it will feel tired

---------- Post added at 14:13 ---------- Previous post was at 14:05 ----------

Also any comment for each of the options I have posted would be helpful...

29-06-12, 13:39
1 minute is a long time to be honest. And i could comment on them but to honest theres been alot of ppl commenting you telling you different stuff but until you relax yourself you will always keep finding something else or another problem.

You need to relax honestly CBT or something should help but theres no point keep going over the other problems.

29-06-12, 13:48
Thanx for your response. I have started meds and therapy...but sill I'm worried most of the time. I though that some comments on the like-hood of any option would help.

29-06-12, 13:54
Just being honest though you have had alot of comments havent you? I noticed that you had posted on a different forum aswell.

You know within yourself what it really is and i just dont feel now whatever people may say will assist you its within yourself as like i said the same as me we will always find something else or another problem hence this whole testing how long you can hold a weight. You wouldnt of found a problem had it not been for that with that and most people have a weaker arm but holding for minute is a long time so your bound to get tired

29-06-12, 13:58
I had comments about me weak leg (which seems to get better), but no comments on this arm thing.

I'm doing the tests, because it's weaker than the right one...not that if feels weak (which happens with anxiety). Anyway thanx for your replies :)