View Full Version : Day 11 Prozac...so low!? Help!!?

29-06-12, 11:33
Hi, this is my first post.

I recently started a course of Prozac 20mg 11 days ago and I feel like I'm going through pure hell...it hits me first thing on a morning and is so crippling I can't manage to get out of bed without forcing myself.
I have read on a few forums that this is normal but I'm now having second thoughts...I think I'd sooner stay depressed than have these huge rushes of anxiety and panic once every hour!!! Why does fluoxetine hit you so hard? I had no idea I'd be pounded so hard by this drug.

29-06-12, 11:46
Hi Rockbottom

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

29-06-12, 11:57
Hi there,

Well i know exactly what you are going through i really do. My first prescription for citalipram was awful. I couldn't eat, sleep or speak properly for 4 days! I just came streight off them. Then spent 5 years suffering from the anxiety and panic same as before. Then i changed GP went on Lustril 50 mg and still felt anxious for about 4 days but not as bad as before. but after 2 weeks of taking them they reaaly started to work and i started to feel much better. What i found was that they do increase anxiety for the fist 4 - 12 days but often this including your normal level of anxiety puts you into overdrive!!!! Trust me they have already started to work and if your symptoms are still the same over the next couple of days then go back to the GP and try a different type of medication. everyone is different. I found that forcing myself to go out for a walk, spend time with other people i felt comfortable with really helped.

Please do let me know how your getting on.