View Full Version : Yawning

29-06-12, 12:34
When i get anxious thoughts - i yawn constantly. Like deep yawns. Is it becuase im not breathing right? I get good sleep and dont feel like im hyperventilating. Just wondering, i know its nothing serious but i wonder what cause it. Also my mouth is always dry

29-06-12, 21:50
Yep it's cause your breathing is not right. You're hyperventilating a little and the yawning is the way your body is trying to get more oxygen though it doesn't need it! Look up breathing pattern disorders on google and you should find some exercises you can do to correct it! Nothing serious just the way your breathing is a little out of sync and can easily be fixed with a couple of weeks doing breathing exercises!

02-07-12, 21:58
I yawn and take deep sighing breaths a lot everyday. I think it is a breathing pattern disorder, but the more I focus on my breathing, the worse it gets. So the best thing for me is distraction and getting on with things.

03-07-12, 20:58
xvolatileheart it's definitely a breathing pattern disorder! I had it bad last year and hated it. It's very easy to fix though with a few daily exercises!
Will be £5 well spent if you get it!

04-07-12, 14:36
agree with the above posts, yawning is just your body trying to get more oxygen so when anxious, you probably don't breathe as deeply and relaxed, so your body is making up for it by making you yawn.

04-07-12, 14:48
They do not know what causes yawning - I did some research on this. They used to think it was oxygen levels but this was disproved in the end.

04-07-12, 20:04
These aren't your average yawns which you're not aware of until they happen though, when I had this I was semi concious of yawning. I wasn't tired at all but it is easier to take a deep breath through yawning than through a big breath. Not sure why but you work this out, and when you think you're not getting enough oxygen or can't catch your breath, you start yawning a whole lot more, sometimes even fully conciously!

04-07-12, 20:14
I wish I didn't read this I'm now yawning uncontrollably. Thanks a lot -_-