View Full Version : New to this, is there anyone else in my boat?

29-06-12, 15:58
Hello everybody, this is the first time I have ever spoke about this publicly but looks like everyone else is giving it a go!!! I'm 30 years old and have been suffering panic attacks for 10 years. My history is that from 14 to 23 years old I was a very high recreational drug user ( cannabis, ecstasy, cocaine and amphetamine) in the short time I have had to look at this site I havnt seen anyone mention this as a cause for there attacks or if indeed anyone else is in my situation. I completely blame myself for the way I feel and it is no surprise that various members of my friends are all experiencing similar issues!!! My attacks have changed significantly over the years and can be set off by absolutely anything at all. I have been prescribed all sorts of meds in the past but nothing has really helped (some of which sent me completely wild) I have a good job which involves travelling and I'm forever making excuses as to why I can't go somewhere!!! Just feels nice to get this off my chest.

29-06-12, 16:13
Hi Cbpuser

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

30-06-12, 09:39
CBP - hello there.
From the short time I've been on the Forum, thankfully, it seems that once here you're considered a fellow-sufferer regardless of how you arrived.
Hope you find some answers, comfort, support etc. Good luck. :)

Matt King
30-06-12, 17:02
Hey Cbpuser :)

I experienced my first major panic attack (more like a psychotic trip to be honest) after smoking weed a friend gave me and started experiencing them more often not long after. There were a lot more things going on in my life that were causing the stress, and even though i had smoked marijuana a couple of times before i'd never reacted like that.

It's more common than you'd imagine with drugs. Even something so many people claim to be harmless like marijuana can trigger off anxiety. You're not alone.

You could look at panic attacks in a positive light seeing as they've kept you away from taking drugs (if they have). Just a thought :)

30-06-12, 17:47
Well done for being honest, just the smell of Cannabis now brings on a panic attack for me.

Been there, got the t-shirt.

30-06-12, 19:03
Welcome! My first panic attack was when I was 15 and someone convinced me to try acid (a very,very small piece). I remember the attack started immediately. Not sure if the drug even had an effect but I always wonder if I hadn't done that that one day if I would still be suffering from panic attacks 15 years later...
I used to smoke marijuana with no problem, but after that acid experience it turned into a panic episode every time that I think I ruined the high for everyone else :blush:
So at this point, I avoid all recreational drugs...

30-06-12, 23:26
Thanks people seems it ain't just me , crazy thing is that I had been taking drugs for years before this happened , just came out of the blue!!! Thanks for the support and replies its much appreciated and yes Matt I havnt touched anything for nearly 5 years, Im even too scared to drink nowadays cus even that sets me off!!! My dream job would be to teach young children about the effects of drugs, share stories etc. I have even watched friends take things even further who are no longer here, not a sob story just something I feel that younger people could benefit from. Thanks people.