View Full Version : Swollen Lymph Node PLZ HELP

29-06-12, 18:32
Ive just got over a sinus infection (im still taking antibiotics) and today i realize my lower left jaw is kinda sore. so i feel around and i find a swollen node! its soo sore and its very movable and it appeared overnight so that's good. Can sinusitis cause lymph nodes to swell?

It's directly above my jawline? is that normal for a lymph node? I know its nothing because ive been sick and i know bad lymph nodes dont hurt and are fixed but you know our HA minds work :weep:

I dont think its an abcess because i have no tooth ache or anything. Should i give it a few weeks? ughh just when i thought i was getting better.

29-06-12, 18:55
If fighting an infection these little mites can be swollen for a while. I have the same fear and have had extensive investigations all normal. I have regular swollen lymph nodes and many virus's, the doc recons this is my anxiety effecting my behaviour (not eating very well, sleep loads) and the fact I have two young children and am always on the go, effecting my immune system and making me subceptiable. I also have sinusitis and am currently seeing ENT specialist. All infections make the lymph nodes swell, it's a normal response and a good job really given that these are what fights the infection. I have been in symptomatic of infection and STILL had swollen lymph nodes yet investigations for nasty conditions all returned normal. Given you have a reason for them swelling I would relax and let them do there job.......ps don't keep touching it because this can agitate the node and keep it swollen!

Hope your over the infection soon

29-06-12, 19:13
ty so much i wont touch it anymore at all, which will be hard but ill be sure not too. It just appeared overnight so thats a good thing I guess. Any solutions to ease the tenderness/pain of it? I dont want to google! lol

29-06-12, 19:25
It's nothing to worry about. Not sure what you can do to help other than stop touching them and give it a few weeks :P

29-06-12, 19:53
I find heat helps like lying on a pillow on the affected side or wearing a scarf for a while, you could also try paracetamol or anti inflammatory's. If not just leave it alone and try to forget about it, it will reduce in a few days/weeks depending on how long it takes to rid of the infection.

29-06-12, 21:10
I was on a 10 day supply of amoxicillan and today is the 7th today and I feel pretty much 100%. Does that mean the infection can still be in me even though i feel way better now.

29-06-12, 21:36
I think in general you'd only need to tell your doctor if it's still there in a month. But really, even if it's still there after that time it's highly unlikely that it will be something serious.

I know it's not this simple with HA though, a couple of years ago I also started touching all my lymph nodes and a few of them in the back of my head or neck were (and still are) always there. I went crazy for a few weeks but the doctors said it was nothing and all my blood counts were good. You'll always be able to feel some of them if you look hard enough, it's perfectly natural.

29-06-12, 22:31
It's probably the end of the infection but remember doctors tell you to finish the course for a reason. It may say up longer I agree with leavingit a few more weeks then return to GP if it remains. It will most likely be fine :yesyes:

30-06-12, 01:20
thank you so much everyone. you definitely helped ease my mind! Im gonna take some ibuprofen and leave it alone for now. hopefully itll be gone in a week or two!