View Full Version : ovary - ladies please

Rachel W
29-06-12, 19:37
Hi, during ovulation this month (it was later due to stressful situations) I had a nagging sharp pain. I have had this on and off for years and know it is normal for this time of the month but for some reason I started poking and then I got a sharp pain (I poked a little hard) and since then it has nagged on and off for just over two weeks. I also think I strained the muscles or poked too much because I have had periodic pain in other areas of the pelvic area.

Could poking have somehow irritated the pelvic area and maybe ovaries? I have periodically poked since. I have tried not to press too hard again as I don't want to irritate it but I suppose even the slightest poking could just keep it going. It has been hurting a little in the groin and kidney area too, but again I have been poking. I have my period right now and it is still there.

I am heading on holiday next week, but just wanted some reassurance.

Thank you.


Rachel W
30-06-12, 04:17
anyone? Every time I get a twinge I then poke which seems to make it worse. I assume that I successfully ovulated as I had a very tiny smear of blood and then two days later a little bit of old blodd (more the amount from the estrogen drop). Then I started my period 14 days after the small smear. It also means that there is no obstruction through my fallopian if the blood from the egg releasing could work its way down but I have one more question:

Could poking have damaged my organs? I am just so nervous about this but don't have insurance.
It just seems like a coincidence that I have ongoing pain after poking whereas normally it only lasts a day or two? Could I have just poked too hard and then the poking every time it twinged just stopped it from healing?

Thanks. I have so much on my mind getting ready to travel (I have OCD) that to have some relief with this would be a great help.

macc noodle
30-06-12, 07:01
If you persistently poked say your arm and it became painful - what would you think it was????

I bet you would think it was certainly because you poked yourself!!

If you are worried about the pains keep a record of dates and how long etc so you have a history to discuss with your physician.

Macc noodle

30-06-12, 19:47
If you question it for too long you start to believe things are worse than they actually are and the imagination runs riot.. Pains.. sharp twinges.. aching is all normal. I get a lot of this during ovulation :)

Rachel W
01-07-12, 21:18
Thanks guys. My cramping from the period has reduced and so far so has the other as I have been poking less. Hopefully if I can restrain myself then it will go away entirely. Thank you for the support. It helps.