View Full Version : Finally posting..

29-06-12, 22:11
I've lurked around this site for a bit now to try and help me overcome some of my fears. But I've got to the point where I need to post. I'm a HA sufferer, I'm also an anxious, stressy person in general too. I only actually admitted it to my doctor about 6 months ago even though I knew I was suffering for years and my increasing fears were quite irrational. My dad died very quickly of a late diagnosis of eosophagal cancer in 2007, I know this is where it all started. :weep: I hate it. I wish I could shake it off. I was put on citalopram but I ran out and tried to be brave and deal with it without meds. I thought I'd be ok as I had accepted all my aches and pains had disappeared once I was on anxiety meds. I accepted that there had to be some sort of link there.

Now I'm having a random flutter in my chest, right between my breasts..it's not necessarily painful, more of a twinge/spasm and I'm almost 95% sure it's down to my anxiety. I can't shake the feeling off that it could be deadly though, because thats how I think.. it can't be some mild or moderate condition, it will have to be life threatening. So it's a nasty cycle, I think it's worse than what it probably is when in actual fact it may be anxiety itself, yet I'm making it worse by thinking it's worse than what it is.:wacko: causing more anxiety and more flutters.

I never used to be like this, I wish I could go back to where I didn't really worry about my health because the irony is I felt much healthier back then.
Anyway I just wanted to introduce myself, maybe talking will help me a little :shrug:

Forgot to add, I'm the type of HA sufferer where going to my doctor is my worst nightmare.

29-06-12, 23:02
Hi , I can relate to what to u are saying I wish there was a day when I felt normal and could have an ache or a pain without fearing the worst .. the flutter in ur chest sounds like it could be palpatations but it might be worth u. Going the doctors for ur own peace of mind xx

29-06-12, 23:07
Thanks lett20 I know you're right about the docs, it's just getting there is the problem, I'm hoping that by the time I've built my courage up to make an appointment then maybe the flutters will have subsided if I don't pay them any attention.

30-06-12, 18:23

Firstly welcome to the board, you have done the right thing in posting and I'm sure lots of people here will be able to give you support and hopefully some reassurance.

In response to your post it reminded me of one of my earliest HA attacks.

For years and years I've had these fluttering feelings that you describe in your chest and I'd never really thought too much of it as they were so intermittent.

Then I happened to notice it one day (as you do with HA) and I started to think about it and needless to say it started happening more frequently. In fact it go so bad over one weekend I was convinced I had some major heart problem and was about to keel over at any point.

I finally plucked up the courage to go to the doctors on the Monday after having a weekend of stress, no sleep and these constant flutterings and was told immediately by a nurse it was palpatations and stress and anxiety was a major cause of them. I'd also spent so much time worrying my blood pressure was through the roof.

They gave me and ECG and did blood tests just to be doubly sure and they all came back clear so that's all it was and my worrying about them made it soooo much worse.

Ever since I had the ECG I can honestly say I hardly ever get them now and when I do, I don't worry purely because I know what they are.

It's a horrible feeling and when you are going through HA it's really hard to think that your HA is causing your symptoms, but it sounds like you are experiencing the same thing and I'm sure if you can pluck up the courage to go to the doctors they will be able to reassure you in an instant.

Hugs to you, and I hope you feel better soon.
