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15-07-06, 12:15
Hi everyone i have been feeling a bit down by my panic attacks recently. The usual story doing well then bang it hits you when you think youve beaten it. Maybe we put too much emphasis on WHEN we are better or we say I,m NEARLY better. Having that bit of us inside that always thinks we might have an attack is surely going against the grain as it were. The best i feel is when i have no thoughts of panic in my mind at all. I took week off work all i did was think about panicking i say to myself RELAX that just reminds me im tense! I try to breath better youd think i was a 60 a day asmatic climbing everest WEARING A SNORKEL!! you run a magnet across a microchip you erase its memory anyone know of a giant magnet i can rub my head against[:o)]

This site helps remind me im not the only one that has to run to my safe place, just want to let everyone know i wish them good luck the journeys long and theres good bits just round the corner :)

15-07-06, 12:22
I never say I'm better. I say things like 'I'm in recovery' or as Dr. Clare Week's says, give yourself permission to have a panic attack and float through it, accept it. It does work. As she says, fear doesn't come to the party if it's an invited guest! I think if you say to yourself you are 'cured' then straight away you'll bring the fear back!! Does any of the above make sense?? Give yourself permission to be less than perfect and go with the flow and remember 'you can handle it'. As the author Susan Jeffers says ' feel the fear ..... and do it anyway!!'
Good luck