View Full Version : Eptoptic heartbeats

30-06-12, 17:03
Hello everyone, I am new to this so please bear with me.
For the past 2 weeks I was experiencing "fluttering" in my upper chest. After a couple of days I checked my heart rate, 97 per min and what felt like a missing beat, after every 2 beats. I now know this is in fact a double beat but actually feels like a missed beat. So after 5 loooooong days i took myself to A&E, had ECG ad blood tests, and everything came back negative so all good stuff. But doctor at hospital said to see my GP in order to get to the route of the problem. This I did yesterday, and he prescribed 10mg Popranolol. Now hears the problem, i have forgotten what he said! He retired yesterday so i don't want to bother new doc just yet. I know he said twice a day, but I think he said up to 4 times if needed. So now I don't know whether to start taking twice a day, or whether to take up to 4 times a day when symptoms kick in. I haven't started taking them yet. I imagine as this is such a low dose I would up to 4 x a day if symptoms persist, but 2 if that works. But say the following day no symptoms do i desist from taking any at all? So confused. Sorry if you are also lol. ie what I am trying to get at is it like say valium when you just take one when you need to? I really am not keen on having to take meds daily at regular times as I am so forgetful and am reluctant to start down that path. But on the other hand cannot stand these bliddy weird heartbeats. Thanx for reading my rather long winded post. Any advice would be most welcome.

30-06-12, 17:13
Hi Lamplady

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

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