View Full Version : Cipralex and Weight Gain

30-06-12, 17:32
Ok.. this is kind of a continued of my Cipralex and Anxiety thread.. becauseI think this possible side effect is something I am worried about a lot right now. I just started Cipralex today to treat my anxiety and OCD which has come back after being very mild for the past 5 years. I have a 2 year old son and a 4 year old daughter. After having children I put some weight on, and the last 35 pounds to reach my ideal weight just has not been coming off. I eat healthier than ever, and have been exercising, and with a diet supplement, the weight is slowly coming off now. I am soooo worried I am going to put it back on plus more after reading weight gain as a common side effect. This worry is NOT helping my anxiety.. that is for sure.
How many people have had this side effect, and how much weight did you gain? and did you gain weight because of you were eating more, craving fatty foods or just for no apparent reason.
Thanks for reading this.