View Full Version : Anger, Temper

30-06-12, 17:59
I suffer from panic disorder and I am on pregabalin with seems to be helping alot.
But at the moment when i start to get stressed my chest will start to hurt (I take it from my muscles tensing up) stabbing pains intermittent doctors say it is nothing to worry about but it scares me.

But the thing is when all this starts it leads me to getting anger quick ie: if my 3 year old is doing something and is asked to stop and she will not and keeps doing it and i feel myself getting stressed (and know that i am about to start hurting) I will get anger and do things like swear alot, shout and also punch things "not the kids would never do that" i will do things like puch the hell out of the settee or hit a wall or door things like that.

I think it is my flight or fight respone gone haywire. But when i lose my temper it seems to help calm me untill the next time which seem to gone quick.

Any advice (i do get a limited supply of diazepam but only 10 at a time and they do help but my doctor will only give me them now and again).

I have got a appointment to disscus my medication do you think it maybe a idea to ask for something to calm me down like a benzo over a longer term as the time that i suffer worse with anxiety is in the long summer months they drive me mad as i hate them

30-06-12, 18:48
Hi xtremx

Totally with you and I know it is hard when you are feeling that angry. I have a family too and I can get angry with my wife and say nasty things to her. I know it is my anxiety playing up. I am on Pregabalin as well and I hoping that my new dosage will help my anxiety. I needed diazapem at Christmas and was given them no problem now G.P and Shrink won't allow me any as I have an addictive nature. I can get them from my friend but trying to do without. Sorry for the long winded stuff about me it is just your post sounded similar to my situation and I thought I would reply and say you are not alone. I have a son as well although he is 13 now but because I am protective of him I feel anxious everyday when he is at high school. I think everyone gets angry with their kids so don't give yourself too much of a hard time especially when anxiety can make it worse. All the best anyway and good luck with your medication review...
