View Full Version : Does anybody else find themselves over sensitive?

Matt King
30-06-12, 18:20
I mean physically rather than emotionally. Whenever my adrenaline's up or even if i'm not feeling very tense or stressed i find the lightest of touches/sensations bring my attention to them.

For example, i wear a badge on my t-shirt at work and sometimes the metal can feel a bit cold against my skin. It might just touch me very lightly and i'd be completely aware of my chest, even going to feel the area with my hand in case something was "going wrong". Even my shirt moving very slightly against my skin makes aware.

I find it pretty funny when i reflect back on it. And i just find it fascinating how aware and alert we become when we're generally interpreting everything as a potential threat to our health.

eight days a week
30-06-12, 18:25
I'm super-sensitive both physically and emotionally, are you saying Matt that you're not emotionally a very sensitive person also?

I am only guessing, and I think I'm an extreme case (which has led to my problems) but I would think I'm not at all alone. Lots of the people I've chatted to or met who have similar 'mental' issues also have the physical ones (sensitive to meds, food, IBS, problems sleeping etc etc).

30-06-12, 18:37
yes, this is why i believe i'm susceptible to anxiety more so than people who don't experience it, i'm very physically and emotionally sensitive, i always have been, when i get annoyed i get very annoyed, when i get upset i get very upset, when i get anxious it's extreme in the same way, i go all out :/ i get easily irritated by a label on my clothing touching me or an itch or anything like that, things that other people would likely dismiss just play on my mind and amp be up, whether their origins are physical or mental.

eight days a week
30-06-12, 19:18
I've been looking a lot at traditional Indian and Chinese medicine the last few years - I will bet that a lot of people on this site have the Chinese 'imbalance' of too much 'water' in their personalities, just like me, and the Indian medicine 'imbalance' of too much 'VATA'.

This is the reason I don't think I'll get much of a better handle on my anxiety (having been through all the 'Western' treatments) until I take up Tai Chi again (I am put off Yoga because of many stories that if you don't have a great tutor for the more advanced stuff it can actually be damaging).

Take the test, see what it says you are!:
