View Full Version : Please help??

30-06-12, 22:35
Basically i have been with my boyfriend for 3 years and i was living with him, we have just broken up and there really is no going back, so i have moved back in with my mum in a very cramped flat and i have 2 cats when they already have animals so im in a bedroom with 2 animals.

And i can feel the panic attacks starting already! They have been there but i felt as if they was getting better but since this break up i can just feel them getting worse, im shaking all day and i can just feel the panic inside of me.

Can someone please help me or give me some advice because i really do not know how i am going to get through this please help me?? :( :( :(

02-07-12, 02:29
Talk to us! If you're afraid to share it with your friends and family, then talking to people with the same problems is the next best thing. Living in a small room with two cats sounds like enough to drive anyone up the wall, even if they didn't have anxiety in the first place. But we're here. :)

02-07-12, 20:41
I'm really sorry you're going through this. Is there any chance you could get some therapy? That would really help with your relationship breaking down and dealing with your anxiety.

Try to find something good to focus on - maybe finding a place of your own? Or taking a weekend break? Anything that would give you some peace.

03-07-12, 17:36
Thank you for your replies!

I am on a course once a week at the moment., and i then want to get a job and maybe just try to save for a studio flat as i have no space here or anything. And i am getting CBT therapy soon so hopefully this will help me out a bit :) xxx

03-07-12, 19:04
If it is only a one bedroom flat, you could apply to the council to be re-housed due to overcrowding. I am not sure what their system is like now as I have not lived in council accommodation for about 15 years. At the time I was made homeless as my landlord wanted to sell the house I was living in, the council offered me a property, but I did have a small baby at the time. The best thing would be to visit the Citizens Advice Bureau, they will help you.

03-07-12, 22:14
its a 2 bedroom flat, my sister has one room and i have the box room with 2 cats in there and my mum and dad has there bed in the living room with there 3 cats so it is way over croweded here! i am defo going to try and sort something out! Thank u for your reply :)