View Full Version : Please help! :(:(:(

30-06-12, 23:38
I'm in complete panic mode at the moment! I had a small leg pain last night but tried to ignore it. I woke up this morning and it was a lot worse. Pain in the left side of my calf and behind my knee when I flex my foot forward or backwards, and if I stretch it. I've convinced myself its a blood clot :( there's no swelling, redness, or heat but it could still be one. Its also tender to the touch if I poke it or tense it.

I dunno I'm just panicking so much I feel like such a nuisance! Any help would be appreciated.

01-07-12, 00:20
I have this too.

I have worked out it gets better if i move around and I think it is cos i sit down on the laptop so much and do not stretch my legs much

01-07-12, 00:53
Well the past few days I've been in bed a lot, but I've been doing my usual stretches about twice a day. It feels more sore over to the left. I can stand on it fine, it hurts a little when I walk though.

Now I have a slight shooting pain in my thigh and some twitches around my calf :( but I don't know if that's just where I'm focusing on it.

I'm absolutely terrified of DVT and I'm scared to death that I have it at the moment. Nothing will calm me down. I've been googling again :( I never learn!

I just tried to check for swelling and there didn't seem to be any swelling. I wrapped my hands around both and made a mark on my fingers to where my leg would stop. They both did measure the same, although its not the most precise way of measuring it haha.

Does it feel very tender and hurts when you poke your calf? Mine does when I poke it. Only on the left side of it though.

01-07-12, 01:17
I walked around a lot and the pain eased so I guessed it was not a DVT and it is not red or hot or inflammed

Being in bed will not help either cos i wake up and mine is painful and hard to walk on to start with

It is nothing more sinister I am sure

01-07-12, 01:17
It don't sound like a blood clot, as you can bare weight on your leg. sounds like its the muscles, they can cause your calf to become very sore, and can get so tight, even when you try to stretch, this can last for a good few days, and will eventually ease.

if your still worrying, phone your gp.

01-07-12, 01:23
Thanks everyone for your replies.

I hope you're right! I was thinking it was muscular but the worries of dvt took over, as it mainly hurts if I move it in certain positions etc, but not if I just put weight on it, only feels a bit strange. It feels kinda tight and heavy when I walk, so I'm hoping that is due to me using the muscle. It doesn't stop me from walking though.

01-07-12, 09:38
No, it could still not be a blood clot in your leg!

I have seen many blood clots in the leg, and I promise you ... it hurts so much that you can not wiggle your foot and it is fiery red and very hot.

So you have to stop putting yourself diagnoses into your thoughts, it creates a lot of anxiety.

If it gets worse, go to your doctor for reassurance, but I'm sure it is a congested calf muscle :hugs:

01-07-12, 12:24
Thanks for your reply Rikke. I know you're right deep down and that I'm just being stupid, but you know what its like haha :(.

Just woke up but it still doesn't feel any better. Hoping it gets a bit better today.

01-07-12, 13:28
You are not at all stupid, you have health anxiety as the rest of us ... And it's stupid! * lol * .. I know exactly how you feel :hugs:

01-07-12, 13:58
Yeah! Wish it would go away haha :P

My nan thinks its just something wrong with my muscle, and said that I've probably pulled it. Even though I can't think what I've done to pull it but I could have! It hurt a bit before going to bed two nights ago, and I woke up with it a lot worse. Still feels tender if I poke into the left side of my calf and hurts when I walk. Lets hope it clears up :)

Just have to think that if it was any serious, I would have a lot more symptoms by now!

01-07-12, 23:01
Oh my god I am so glad I am not the only one who gets this!! :)
There's a dodgy left knee gene in my family but mine flared up after a long flight a couple of years ago and had the same fear - went to a&e, got tested as I'd come off a long flight, smoked and took the pill. Thankfully all was well, he said I had a small fatty lump there but it was nothing to worry about. It's tight now and again, like my muscles have seized up but I walk and stretch and all is well again.

I hope you're feeling better now. I feel better now too knowing I'm not alone in this strange thing!

01-07-12, 23:24
Ahh it's a horrible worry isn't it! I'm glad you were ok though :)

I'm hoping this clears up by tomorrow as I'm so fed up with it!

02-07-12, 23:21
Now I'm panicking as I can see one of my veins in my leg where its hurting, even though its hurting less today but my thigh and behind my knee feels weird :( I'm not sure if the vein was there before though.