View Full Version : Is Fear of Weight Gain a Health Anxiety?

01-07-12, 04:01
This has always been a big issue with me.. and during my teen years and early adult years dealt with bulimia issues. I have always worried about weight gain, whether I was underweight, normal, a few pounds over or now 35 pounds over... which happened after having two kids. It has been a huge struggle to lose the extra weight.. and its not just for how I look but feel. I have been taking various weight loss supplements to help aide my weight loss. The weight has been slowly going it seems.. but got weighed at the doctors yesterday and freaked... the anxiety of seeing that number made me freak. And I just started taking Cpralex today.. as my GAD just got worse again after years not being on daily meds.. and a common side effect is Weight gain... urgh. Oops higt italics and too lazy to correct it.
Anyways.. being body obsessed and weight obsessed .. is it considered health anxiety or just vanity?