View Full Version : New here...going crazy

01-07-12, 06:46
Hey everyone,
I'm not sure what I'm looking for...maybe just some support.
I feel like I'm going crazy. My boyfriend moved in with me last November, and we got a new apartment in December. Everything was going great until I kinda lost it. I freaked out on him because he wasn't coming home every night. It would have been fine if I would have just relaxed and brought the issue up to him calmly, but, of course, I freaked out at 3am when he had work the next day and told him that if I wasn't going to sleep, he wasn't either. I tried to hold back my anger, but it welled up in my chest and it felt like I couldn't breathe and I just cried and yelled. Maybe that's what a panic attack is? Anyways, it's been a month and a half since this happened, and now I'm in this big apartment by myself, just me and my dog. On top of my ex leaving (which I am still completely torn up about), my friends graduated nursing school and moved away (I was supposed to graduate this semester as well, but I didn't :'( ). I feel like I have no one. I mean I still have my friends, but the lack of human contact is really killing me. I'm mad at myself for losing my cool with my ex, and I wish so badly that there was something that I could do to fix the problem. I'm just going crazy. I don't really know what to do :'(