View Full Version : In a right state!

01-07-12, 07:42
I have got myself into a right state, I have had strange sensations down my left side for over a week. Tingling etc. it's not there all the time but when I go to bed its like pins and needles. I'm so scared, even my CBT is not helping.

01-07-12, 10:09
hi there it would be unusual for anything serious to go off and come back, do you think it could be a nerve you are pressing when you lie down ? x

01-07-12, 10:41
Our body's Are strange things and do random but harmless things all the time. If your worried see your GP but my guess is everything's fine and maybe u have irritated a nerve or something, eay don really.

01-07-12, 11:53
Thanks guys, have GP on Friday for meds so will mention it then.