View Full Version : Soapy Drink (Sore throat)

01-07-12, 14:26
There was a glass on the drainboard earlier but there we're also bread crumbs on it so I decided to rinse the glass out but put a little blob of washing up liquid (about the size of one of the smiley emoticons) into the glass too.

I rinsed it out but not as well as i usually would.

When I sat down to drink there was a raninbow bubble in my glass, but I still drank the drink (it was dilute drink)

Now I have a sore throat and i'm really worried i've damaged my throat with the washing up liquid and i'll get sick (my biggest fear).

My husband has tried to reassure me but addmitted he wouldn't have drunk it if he'd seen a bubble.

Any reassurance? Thank you xx

01-07-12, 14:47
ive swalloed lots of undiulted washing up liquid before and have been fine just not a pleasent taste
the sore throat could just be u thinkingfabout it
btw when i was anxious aboout sore throat it hurt so much i was crying in pain i stopped thinking about it and it went
youll be fine x

01-07-12, 14:57
I too have accidentally swallowed washing up liquid many times. It's harmless, it just tastes disgusting! xx

01-07-12, 18:36
Thank you so much, my sore throat wore off so I feel much better now :)