View Full Version : tight back with breathing worrys

01-07-12, 15:58
i was just wondering does anybody that suffer with breathing worrys ever have a tight back when they get breathless.
ive been constantly worrying bout my breathing lately finding it hard to get on with daily tasks like looking after my little boy.

it just comes on feeling like i cant get a breath in and then my back goes tight and breathing gets worse goes round sides under the ribs like a belt is being tightened i wish i could stop thinking of my breathing but i cant seem to.

any advice would be nice tired of worrying alonexx:ohmy:

01-07-12, 16:54
Hi , don't worry ur not alone I am constantly worrying about my.breathing I also get the tight feeling my doctor told me that its all the little muscles between ur ribs and ur diaphragm when u are anxious u breathe from ur chest instead of ur stomach so the muscles get tired ..
U are definitely not a lone on this xx

01-07-12, 17:05
I get this every day, the only relief I get is when I am busy and then my mind does not focus inwards.

I am also trying to allow the feelings to happen without reacting to them, its hard.

Stay busy, stay positive, good luck:D

01-07-12, 18:41
thankyou so much for both your comments its nice to feel your not alone ive still got the tightness today that comes and goes.
i havent been doing much today but sitting around so i have found its got a little worse

ive had a horrible achy feeling today aswell as the tightness sometimes it gets really tight and very worrying.

i always thought that the tightness was my lungs not working propley because im always thinking ive got an heart problem so its affecting my lungs if you know what i mean even tho ive been told by numerous doctors my heart is normal which really does not help.

thankyou for your explanation about the muscles under the ribs im always worrying that it is my lungs but you saying muscles has helped as i have never thought about it being this im always thinking the worse.

like you say i should try to keep my mind off it and keep busy but it is so hard to stop focusing on it.

ive had it on and off through the years the horrible tightness and sometimes palpitations i just wish that life will just give me a break from it all and let me enjoy life with my family instead of living in constant fear.

im sorry to keep going on but i just get so sick and tired of fighting alonexxxx:mad:

01-07-12, 21:18
had this on two occasions, feeling like i was 'blocked' and couldn't breathe/get a deep breath, and having something which seemed like backache, but wasn't

the first time it was trapped wind, and fizzy drinks helped me burp it up, windeze is pretty good too

second time it was muscle tension just making me feel like i couldn't breathe

both are common with stress/anxiety, you can have them at the same time too xxx

02-07-12, 15:43
thankyou i really never thought of it being muscles i know its not wind tho.

all i know its really horrible feeling that scares me to death it comes and goes over the years but when it comes it takes over and stops me getting on with daily chores and then i get shouted at because im not being a good mum but its hard to concentrate on any thing else its hard to try and juggle it allxxx

04-07-12, 10:20
thankyou i really never thought of it being muscles i know its not wind tho.

all i know its really horrible feeling that scares me to death it comes and goes over the years but when it comes it takes over and stops me getting on with daily chores and then i get shouted at because im not being a good mum but its hard to concentrate on any thing else its hard to try and juggle it allxxx

it can be very hard to ignore, anxiety is very consuming as it is, though considering it's something that's been coming and going and never done you any harm try to hold on to that :) and from my experience of muscle tension it does sound like what you're experiencing. i tell myself now 'i've had this before and i was fine' also i try to tell myself even though it feels like i can't breathe well, i am obviously breathing well enough or i'd have passed out long before now. try to hold on to that too :) xxx

06-07-12, 16:06
thankyou so much for what you just told me imissnotworrying...... that has really really helped me more than you will ever know im going to try and hold onto what you just told me about it coming and going and not doing me any harm i never really looked at it like that i have never passed out before and have never gasped for breath much appriciated for your kind helpful wordsxx

06-07-12, 17:12
hello friend

read the new thread I posted and that will help u :)