View Full Version : Hello to everyone.

15-07-06, 21:23
Hi. I found this site whilst doing some research into derealisation / depersonalisation disorder.

I've suffered from this for about two years now, it all started after experiencing what I later found out was a 'fugue' - I basically walked off into the middle of Derbyshire and 12 miles later I came to and remembered 'seeing myself do it' but didn't really know how I had. Fortunately the police found me and took me to the station where they gave me a cup of tea and phoned mum and dad.

I suffer from depression but told no-one about it for about 10 years, my body decided it couldn't cope anymore and I think that led to the fugue and everything else. I felt after that experience that I had been wiped away as a person and had to start all over again. My feelings of 'not being here' started then.

I'm now working again and am living a 'normal life' or at least so it seems to everyone else. Realistically, I still do not feel like I am here and this is all the time, it's a permanent state for me. Other people (and only then close friends) only notice when I'm especially tired and can't control my feelings as well.

It's terrifying. I write poems to try to get my feelings out in some way, and this seems to help but at times I just want to sob my heart out, though tears don't come easy. A particularly good friend is currently trying to get me to talk to him about it as much as I can in the hope that it will help. I have seen psychiatrists but the last one I saw was so horrible it has really put me off. I just keep hoping that some day the mist will lift and I will be able to live again, rather than just exist.

I'm so sorry to have written such a depressing intro!!! On the plus side, I have a job I quite enjoy and have good friends and a good family too. I have my animals and they help lots as well.

Love Han xx

15-07-06, 22:00

A warm welcome aboard the forum and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can offer some support and advice.


15-07-06, 22:25
Hi Han,

A big warm welcome to you. Here you will make new friends and get lots of advice. You are not alone x

Take Care



15-07-06, 22:39
Hi Han and welcome to the forum!

Take care

'This too will pass'

16-07-06, 07:55
Welcome to the forum Han
love Helen

16-07-06, 12:20
Hello Han :)
welcome ;)
i dont know how u must feel but at a guess its horrible,
im here if u ever need to talk
feel free to private message me

16-07-06, 12:32
I've never suffered a "fugue" but I know the feeling of derealisation... I found that certain meds really didn't help that particular problem, and some made it seem worse. I found a way of gaining a deeper understanding of the way I felt some time ago, and it seemed to help "plug me back in" as it were...

Your story is familiar to me in many ways - the concealed depression/problems leading to an eventual physical/mental breakdown. It's such a common event amongst sufferers.

The good news is that you have come to the right place for encouragement, understanding, and support :)

So, kick back, and prepare to get reconnected :)


To truly see existence as it really is, would be the greatest gift!

16-07-06, 13:13
Hi Han,

Welcome to the forum, you will make lots of new friends here.



16-07-06, 13:16
Hi Han and welcome to the site.

16-07-06, 22:42
Welcome to NMP

Take care



polly daydream
17-07-06, 00:15
Hi Han and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


17-07-06, 02:12

A big warm welcome to the forum. You will find lots of help and support here.

x x