View Full Version : reassurance!

01-07-12, 21:04
Iv been observing this site for sometime now and it has helped me through my anxiety at times. I wont bore everyone with the hell i have been through for the last 3 years.

Basically last month i felt content in myself and as i layed on the sofa, i had an episode of double vision. Knowing that this could be a case of anxiety i calmed myself and rang NHS direct who advised if it happened again, go to emergency. Well it did happen again, and i ended up with a two day stay in hospital. All bloods and CT scan came back negative, but they did not give me a reason for the problem.

I tried to get on with things but my moods deteriorated and it started to affect my relationship. I then stopped going to the gym which is a massive part of my life. The reason being i kept having funny turns after 20 minutes of workout (dizzyness and headache, which took days to subside). Since leaving hospital i have had blurry eyes and headaches, but no double vision.

Enough was enough, i went to the GP and i was prescribed citalopram 20mg per day. I have now been on them a week. My anxiety and panic attacks have since increased ten fold, i have had really bad headaches on the left side of my head, (to the point where my jaw and eye went numb), sweats, dizzy spells, vision problems etc.

Finally the reason i post is because i just cannot convince myself that i do not have a tumour on my brain. Its a vicious circle because the more i stress and think about things, the more my symptoms appear. Im an absolute mess at the moment and just want to be normal and happy again!

Thankyou for taking the time to read, hope someone can advise me.
P.s, im currently looking at CBT! :weep:

01-07-12, 21:18
I can relate, you have done the right thing though. Going to your GP and getting help is a good thing and CBT is excellent

Rachel W
02-07-12, 04:10
The CT scan would have shown any tumours so I am sure that this is not it. I went to a neurologist once and all my symptoms were because of stress. I asked him could anxiety really do this (twitching, feeling that I couldn't talk properly etc.) and he said "Anxiety can do whatever it wants".

You went to the doctor and I think stress could be exacerbating the situation. Keep an eye on the meds though. i have been on a few different anxiety meds (I have OCD) and some may give you major side-effects (you have to find the right one for you). For example Amytriptoline gave me terrible side-effects including lack of coordination, fatigue and dry mouth. Talk to the doctor and see if he can either try something else or start you on an even smaller dose to begin with.

02-07-12, 07:29
Hi Cham,

Sorry for the brief reply but I'm pushed for time. I just thought I should give you a few points which came to mind:

You will get increased anxiety with cit at first. Stick it out and you'll start to see the benefits.
Check you're not grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw - this can cause very similar symptoms to those you're describing. There are things you can do which help if you are.
You've had all the necessary tests and a brain tumour would have shown up. Try to accept that and your symptoms will lessen.

What you're describing is very common. Stick with the meds and see how you go. If you want further input, post on here and I'll be back later.

Take care

Pip x

02-07-12, 20:38
I would just like to start by thanking everyone for their reply. I have actually had a good day for the first time in weeks. I would like to think that it is partly to do with talking to people who suffer as i do!

Its amazing what reassuring words can do to somebody mentally. I may even attempt the gym tomorrow. I still have symtoms such as grinding teeth and twitchy eyes, but i keep telling myself its all my anxiety.

Many thanks!

02-07-12, 22:23
Stick with it and start back at the gym. If you're struggling with what you normally do, try some cardio work which I find great for relieving anxiety. If you can, swimming is also excellent.

Take care
