View Full Version : palps when lying down?

02-07-12, 00:18
hi. past few days have being experiencing palps heart flutters when at rest or lying down at night. very uncomfortable and make me panic and fear sometin may happen. i have cut out caffeine andbfor few days seen good results but tday had coffee and now have loads of palps especially when in bed so i get up walk around and worry. would this be normal or would it be a sign of heart disease? im quite fit and workout and have a two year old. this really stresses me out and worries me to the point im afraid to go to bed.

02-07-12, 00:41
Don't worry, palpitations are very rarely a sign of serious heart problems and aren't dangerous. If you're worrying, see your doctor to reassure you. Have you ever had an ECG or anything else done?

Coffee is a big problem and is shown to give people palpitations. If the palpitations are bothering you, then avoid coffee or other caffeine substances.

I normally get more palpitations while laying down too. I'm not sure if it's just that when we are still we notice them more than we usually would, or that we are actually getting more.

Do not worry yourself. Palpitations are one of the most common symptoms of anxiety :) you are not alone.

Rachel W
02-07-12, 04:00
I tend to have more at night than any other time. At least in the last few years. It is more like flutters and then missed beats. They get worse when I am stressed and even feel that I am going to stop breathing right before falling asleep and I have to sit up quickly. I get them during the day too but not as much.

02-07-12, 07:06
mine is more like a flutter and come every two mins or so i woke with them this morning and still have it.worst feeling ever. palps i heard are harmless you're right but i feel someting may be up. thanks for input. i never had ecg evrr but tinkn of going to my doctor tday

02-07-12, 07:18
Hi Missy,

It sounds very familiar to me and I know it can be alarming but they are very common. Even my GP said he gets them from time to time. I've come to terms with them and have learned to relax when I get them and they soon pass. I've also cut out caffeine as much as I can and it does help.

If you've not discussed it with your GP before, I would definitely go and see him/her, even if just to put your mind at rest.

Good luck

Pip x

22-08-12, 17:16
hi. just to update. went to gp and got blood test and found out anaemia was the result of my palps! blood count was really low and also and sores my mouth which was related to the defficiency but i didn't connect the two. have since being taken iron and haven't had the palps since!!! :) it's great to be palp free (bar the odd one here and there lol) HUUUUUGE PHEW!!!!

22-08-12, 18:58
ive just literally asked the same question, i am worried as i am getting heart palpiations aswell. They seem to be more when i lie down aswell. I am on meds for reflux and this stopped most of my chest pains and heart palpitations. But recently ive started getting them again and after reading some threads here about people talking about sudden death and heart problems im getting worried. I never let these papitations worry me until today when i read a post here and it made me think what if its my heart. Has anyone else been put on meds for reflux who gets chest pains/palpitations and havent had their heart checked? Ive never had a ecg or anything...

22-08-12, 23:28
Forgot to put in my other answer that some people believe that stomach activity (like wind, heavy meal, spicy food etc.) activates the vagus nerve that runs down the front of the body and this triggers a palpitation. Many people seem to have a link between eating and palpitations.

The doctors on the All Experts Cardiology forum (which I swear by) seem to regard palpitations as normal heart activity unless accompanied by symptoms like fainting, pain, shortness of breath and so on. They do recommend that people have an ecg if you get them regularly or if your symptoms change. My last holter monitor showed 300 in a day and my GP was not at all concerned. (That was a good day for me, I dread to think how many I have on a bad day, probably thousands).

I would certainly mention them to your gp and ask for an ecg if you have never had one as pvc's are supposedly easy to identify on an ecg and it would put your mind at rest.
