View Full Version : Getting out on my own

16-07-06, 06:56
Well what can I say; I have been having a few ups and downs over the past few months but this weekend took a huge step forwards. I decided a few weeks ago that I needed to make a few new friends as since we have moved here all I have done is work.

Well to cut a long story short I have started horse riding again with a new friend that I meet from work and oh my god it was great before my anxiety I used to ride all the time as I had my own horse but gave it up because of the anxiety.

I went for my first hack out yesterday we were out for 2 hours riding all through the New Forest it was so beautiful seeing all the wild life and just being out with a mate no husband to hold my hand oh what a feeling. I have decided that I am going to get a horse and take it up again as a full time hobby.

I had forgotten the feeling of freedom I get from riding; I had a few bad moments as soon as I got on the horse but I faced them head on and I WON.

So to all you out there don’t give up the things you love because of anxiety, if need be put them on hold for a bit but always keep hold of them.

Love & Light to you all

Sam x

16-07-06, 08:01
Hey well done you!!!
Keep going.....
Love wenjoy xx

16-07-06, 08:07
Brilliant news Sam:D
love Helen

16-07-06, 09:34
Hey Sam that is fantastic news, so pleased for you

Take care

'This too will pass'

16-07-06, 11:19
Well done Sam!

It's great to hear that you have got back in touch with something you enjoyed so much before. A brave and very positive move on your part.

Keep it up!

Eeb x

16-07-06, 11:42
That's great news Sam... You are right abouththe determination to hold on to those things that bring you happiness - even if you may go through a time when you feel unable to do them.

You climbed that mountain, and are now much stronger for it... It was inevitable that you would do this, and hopefully anyone else reading your story will also understand that by taking their time, they will eventually gain the strength and courage to conquer their own barriers to happiness :)


To truly see existence as it really is, would be the greatest gift!

16-07-06, 13:07
Thats lovely news Sam !!

Well done !:D

I remember when i had my horse, the enjoyment and freedom it gave me, they where the best days of my life.

I am proud of you Sam!



16-07-06, 13:17
Great news Sam. I am glad you are finding pleasure in a former past time again.

Keep going with it.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

16-07-06, 13:48

That sounds lovely!!

I am not a horsey person but I love being around the stables - I used to go and hang around and help while my friend rode. Eventually I learnt how to muck out etc and they all used to love it when I went up, cos I always cleaned the front yard and made everyone a brew.

They did all take the mick out of me at first cos I was a bit funny about the mud etc - they said how the hell can anyone walk in wellies and yet make them look like stilletoes, and called me Margo Leadbetter for awhile!!

I think its that lovely back to nature thing that we all lose from time to time. Lying back on a bale of straw in the sunlight in the spring listening to all the birds and animals etc just makes you reassess what's important.... and the New Forest is just the most lovely spot in which to do it!!:D:D

Good on ya!!

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

16-07-06, 14:03
Thank you all so much for your post's, and yes it is great to do things that we love, it removes the stress from every day life. i have to say my bum and legs are soooooooo sore but have found that this also take my mind of the anxiety lol.
The new Forest is stunning this time of year and when i went out yesterday i only saw one person feels like you are the only person alive.
Will keep you all updated.

Love & Light
Sam x

16-07-06, 14:04
Thank you all so much for your post's, and yes it is great to do things that we love, it removes the stress from every day life. i have to say my bum and legs are soooooooo sore but have found that this also take my mind of the anxiety lol.
The new Forest is stunning this time of year and when i went out yesterday i only saw one person feels like you are the only person alive.
Will keep you all updated.

Love & Light
Sam x

16-07-06, 14:49
Hi Sam,

A big wel done to you. I'm so pleased for youx

Take Care



16-07-06, 16:15
Just caught up with your post......How fantastic to read it, thank you for that and good luck!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx

16-07-06, 23:04

Take care



polly daydream
17-07-06, 01:35
That's brill news Sam, well done.

Polly x

17-07-06, 11:32
Well Done hun,

That's Great news. Keep up the good work.

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X X X