View Full Version : muscle/joint aches all over....so so scared

02-07-12, 03:32
I have pain like twinges all over my body for the last few days.

i can not tell you how scared I am this is the worst I've ever been with HA.

I wondering if its a bug or another symptom but as usual my brain is telling me its much worse

03-07-12, 12:55
I had this quite badly with a virus back in April. I felt like my muscles were being pinched all over my body, it hurt like he**! I felt like nobody believed me as they kept saying "Normal body aches for the flu" but it wasn't really achy but rather pinchy, you know? It went away with the virus for me. They ran some blood tests for underlying disorders but everything came back normal for somebody suffering from a regular old virus.

Does yours sound similar?

04-07-12, 09:43
sounds exactly the same and thanks so much for the reply. I am worrying sick over this x

04-07-12, 12:54
it took about two weeks for me to feel fully better with the virus I had ... and honestly can say I don't know if I have physically felt worse/more afraid in my life over my own health! but I did get better. Have you been to your doctor?

I hope you feel better, I remember how awful this feels and would not want to feel it again!

04-07-12, 16:03
Thanks again. No I've not been to the docs as I'm too scared.

I hate this HA, esp when i really do have symptoms

04-07-12, 16:20
The doc was able to give me tramadol, a stronger pain-killer than ibuprofin or naproxen, and this at least made me able to get some sleep. It is not like a hard core one like oxycodone or anything. Just helped a lot to calm my muscles. Your doc may be able to do so.

04-07-12, 16:45
yes, I'm going to pop in friday for a chat I think... x