View Full Version : just been prescribed 15mg mirtazapine - worried about side effects

02-07-12, 09:42

I'm new to this site. I've just got back from my GP this morning and she has prescribed mirtazapine. I've been really down and having very black thoughts, i'd say almost suicidal. Also I've been feeling terrible fear and dread with panic attacks etc. Not slept properly in ages. I've been reading some posts on here and this med seems to be good for these things. However I've been trying to loose weight lately as my weight gain has been contributing to my depression. I'm too scared to start my mirt now after reading that they will make me gain more weight. Has anyone had any experience of mirt? Does it always cause weight gain? Maybe I should go back to GP and tell her I don'twant them. I've never taken AD before.

02-07-12, 09:52
Hi fizzywizzy

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

02-07-12, 12:19

There's really only one way to find out how they might affect you and that is to take one. Weight gain seems to be an issue for some, but not all, and is often not too much from what I have learned. It can be managed by avoiding certain foods etc..

There is a really great section on the forum for medication and Mirtazapine has its own section with hundreds of threads covering everything really. Many people find it makes them sleepy so its often taken in the evening and is used for this reason for people who have anxiety/depression and sleep problems.

I take 7.5 mg a day now, because the higher dose was making me too tired and sleepy and affected my mood by increasing depression, but that's ME.

Many people find it a good medication, so have a read, try not to worry too much, and take the plunge by taking one. It might just be helpful for you at this time in your life. Remember, thousands of people take it and they are fine. Really, it tends to make most people feel sleepy in a good way. If you are worried, why not ask your doc if you can start on a reduced dose? I did, and that worked for me, but its best if you do it with their support and knowledgeI think..

All the best. :)