View Full Version : ZOMBIE

02-07-12, 10:32
Hi All,

I have been talking Citalopram 40mg for depression/anxiety since April 2011 although my depression is much better ( i can see light at the end of the tunnel) my anxiety attacks are not, I dont suffer a lot with them but when i do i just can't cope :weep: I asked my GP if maybe taking Kalms would help but she has put me on Mirazipine 15mg I've only been taking them for 6 days but i feel so ill with them and i'm like a zombie all the time, i know it's early days but i'm wondering if i would be better of with Kalms when i need them rather than take Mirt all the time and feel like a zombie 24/7 :scared15:
I look forward to your comments.

Thanks xx

02-07-12, 10:42
Hi sos

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

02-07-12, 10:49

I'm sure you'll get lots of help here.

I'm afraid I haven't experience of Mirtazipine, but can sympathise with you about Citalopram 40mg lifting mood but not helping with anxiety, my anxiety is still awful after 6 months.

I hope your new med is effective if you decide to stick with it.

Good luck, Lilac

02-07-12, 12:19
Hi Sos,

I too was put on citalopram and when I went back to the doctors telling her I felt worse (meds hadn't kicked in fully) she gave me a prescription for mirtazipine and I wouldn't take them, I know these are the old type of anti depressants and I think these are worse for those kind of side effects, I actually know someone who is on them and they were very much like that on starting them, They give you a massive appetite too so i'm told, I think thats why the doc prescribed them to me as I had lost a ridiculous amount of weight when at my worst with anxiety. The person I know who is on them, Takes these at night as they knock you out a bit but seems fine once they have kicked in fully. Your body probably just needs to adjust.

Hope you feel better soon.

xx :hugs:

02-07-12, 13:41
I have been taking Mirtazapine for about three years now at 45mg. I think as with most anxiety/depression medication it takes about 6-8 weeks before the initial side effects wear off. I would try and stick with it a little longer as your GP obviously thinks you will benefit from medication.

02-07-12, 19:06
Hi All,

Thanks for your comments maybe i will stick with them for a bit longer as
i have a meeting with my employers this week regarding my absence from work (due to my depression) i'm not looking forward to it hopefully i will be less stressed.:unsure:

Really glad i found this site, it's nice to know i'm not alone and i'm not going mad :mad::unsure:

02-07-12, 19:19

do you have an occupational health department at your work? I have found them brilliant and they will advise on such things as a phased return etc when you are ready. I really felt they were on my side.

Hope your employers are ok at the meeting, I hate those meetings. Occ health even said they should have the meetings at my house if it would stress me too much to go, making the house presentable for my manager probably more stressful though!

02-07-12, 19:55
Hi Lilac58,

No we dont have a occy health dept at work but my employers referred me to Occy health they were brilliant (wish i could say the same for my employers they are not very compassionate) and agreed with my gp i was not fit for work but my employers want a meeting to discuss my welfare (in other words if i dont come back soon they will get rid of me)

03-07-12, 11:18
Hi SOS, Am only new here too but have been taking Mirtaz for a number of years at night along with Seroquel & Xanax with 1/2 Mogadon when I really can't sleep.I know what you mean by ” zombie” cause they make me quite dizzy. ” Headspins”. Certainly couldn't take them through the day. I take some other pills as well but try & stick with the Mirtaz & I sure find that Xanax helps just when you need it. Take care, Cheers from Aus, B.:)

09-07-12, 11:16
I have decided not to carry on with mirt as i was zonked out all the time, i had a word with pharmacist and he suggested asking my gp for a very low dose of diazapan would appreciated any comments before i speak to my gp.

Also i am really worried that when my gp decides to sign me off i wont be able to cope as i dont feel i will be able to go back to work can i disagree if she does do that ??i'm so worried :unsure: