View Full Version : So gald to have found this forum!!

02-07-12, 10:43
Hi!! After worrying myself sick with my health since January and receiving no support or understanding from so called health professionals I am so glad to have finally found this forum!!

I've had traces of blood in my urine since January, I saw 2 different gp's who referred me to a urologist. I had ultrasounds, urine tests and blood tests and was then told I needed a cystoscopy. I asked for sedation for the cystoscopy but was told that wasn't an option so I refused the procedure...I then had a nurse and a urologist try to bully me inot having the procedure which freaked me out so much I refused and didn't even go back to my gp.

Last week I decided to try again, so I went to the doctors and saw a locum...typical old school b*tch of a woman. I explained the situation and said I would see a urologist if I could be sedated for the cystoscopy. The dr asked why I didn't want to have the procedure done and I explained that I'm terrified of hospitals and cannot possibly allow a total stranger to perform an intimate and invasive procedure. The dr told me I was not normal and said I need counselling!!! I was so angry!!!

I told her all I wanted was to be able to speak to a urologist, explain how I feel and have the option of sedation. The dr then told me I should have a general anaesthetic...again I explained I did not want a general as that would mean several hours in a hospital for a procedure that would take 10 mins. She then said I couldn't dictate what I wanted and if I wanted sedation I would have to go private!!

Eventually I got her to refer me under the choose and book system, but again she said I couldn't choose where I'd be treated!! The woman was a total moron!! I'm now waiting to get my letter through to see what my choice of hospitals is and from there I can phone and see which ones will offer sedation. Have nothing but contempt for the NHS right now!!

02-07-12, 10:53
Hi hedgehog

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

30-08-12, 16:42
Hi Hedgehog your problem is similar to mine so much so I thought when reading the beginning it was my post! I have been ill since February fretting about my GP finding microscopic blood in my urine I feel fantastic in myself but this worrying is kicking my anxiety off big time! as he has had me do urine tests, Blood tests, Xrays and Ultra sound he referred me to a urologist who as said I definitely need a cystoscopy I really don't want it done its been 4 weeks waiting for the appointment now, I spoke to my Urologist and he was understanding he said if my anxiety is this bad he can request I be sedated but that's one of my biggest fears so I want to opt to have the normal procedure so I am aware of what's going on but to be honest would rather not have it done at all! I feel for you just want it over and done with! ;(