View Full Version : waiting game

02-07-12, 14:26
well i gritted my teeth and had the blood test today ( see previous posts) now dealing with the waiting anxiety my doc has told me he will ring me if he needs to but not otherwise how long will this be? and also pre thinking every possible outcome except a good one of course does anyone think we do this on purpose if we only think bad things then they wont happen??? Have being doing so well now feel back to square one:weep:

02-07-12, 16:13
Probably in a few days I got my blood test back in 3-4 days. Don't think the worst try to stay positive :) I read some of your other posts and anaemia is very common. I really dont think you have a reason to be worrying so much. Take your mind of it and think Positively (easier said than done I know :) )

02-07-12, 16:37
Hiya, my sis suffers with aneamia, she has done for years, but she has iron tablets that she takes and shes always been fine, thats def not to say you do have it because you prob dont but its so easily treated and wont effect your life at all really ;-)

02-07-12, 17:59
thanks guys just cant seem to shift these black thoughts will keep trying though gonna be a long week xx

02-07-12, 21:20
Well done for going smogie. I'm sure the results will be fine :)

03-07-12, 17:46
i really hope so doc said he would only ring if he needed to so now im riddled with anxiety and dreading the phone ringing i hate being like this:mad:

04-07-12, 12:37
i hate when they tell you that! I had blood work done a few months back and they said they would only call if something was wrong. Then that night the phone rings and caller ID says its the doctor and I almost s*** my pants! (sorry lol). They told me everything was fine lol. I am sure you are just fine, I don't know how long it can take if it is not like an emergency type of test.