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View Full Version : I am feeling really anxious, perhaps I should try meds?

02-07-12, 19:26
Hi all

My mum is undergoing investigations for upper right hand side abdominal pain. She is very anxious, talks of nothing but pain, tests, scans etc., and it has triggered a full blown health anxiety episode for me. She has been almost hysterical at times (ah, now I know where I get it from.....).

She is very needy of me, and needs constant reassurance that she is not seriously ill (a logical part fo me thinks she is not seriously ill, but a part of me thinks also that she has cancer and is going to die). I am sick to my stomach at the thought of going to hospital with her for her ultrasound scan; when she phones (which can be up to six times a day at the moment) and I see it is her number I feel sick and anxious in speaking to her.

I am not sleeping and finding it hard to eat because I am so anxious. I hate being exposed to doctors and medical things. I don't know what to do. Perhaps I should have some form of medication? I feel so lonely, I can't talk to anyone about how anxious I feel because it's irrational and no-one understands. My husband is not sympathetic. Even though it's irrational and out of proportion, I don't know how to stop worrying. When I am not anxious, my health anxiety seems stupid, but when I am gripped by it, it takes over my life. Is there anyone out there with the same experience? Any advice?


04-07-12, 10:49
Yes I'm sure most of us have similar experiences. I am on meds and yes they help take the edge off of my worries and help me to be more rational. I am on Prozac which I am told is one of the only ad licenced for health OCD. Give meds a go as it may well help you. Hope your mum is ok. Louise