View Full Version : Proud of myself today xxx

02-07-12, 19:38
Started the day like any other all symptoms there from the moment I wake up so I take my new meds floxitine and half a diazipam feel great most of the day then at about 5 I start to feel bad again but rather than just reach for another half diazipam I breath I tell myself it's just anxiety it will pass all the usual things start to flood my head what if this what if that so I close my eyes and take myself to a happy time and keep breathing in for 4 hold for 5 out for 6 half an hour later and I feel great again I can't believe it I'm so happy with myself :)

02-07-12, 19:48
well done you!!!! We all know on here how hard it is so good for you:)

02-07-12, 19:54
Thanks smogie that means a lot,I know it's only the beginning for me but a it's a start and it's thanks to this place and the lovely ppl here that's pushed me to start believing I do have health anxiety and not some life threatening illness so thanks to u all

02-07-12, 20:38
That's great , can't wait till the day I.can do that xx

02-07-12, 20:41
Well done :yesyes: thank you for sharing, that takes courage and strength. :hugs:

02-07-12, 22:36
Awesome job Seanydee! Keep it up and thank for sharing! :yahoo:

02-07-12, 22:44
Well done that takes more strength than another tablet. Xxx