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View Full Version : Emet please help.

03-07-12, 10:32
Hi I posted this in phobias but maybe it should be posted here in health anxiety instead so here it goes. Ok everyone need your help and advice as you guys will understand what i'm worrying about, I'm really scared about norovirus and would really like some questions answered, I'm not so worried about person to person transmission as I am of catching it from food.

I love things like fruit, bakery goods, marks and spencer packaged goods and take aways, but am so scared to eat them at the moment in case a food handler has had noro and spreads it, I just wanted to find out what you guys think the chances are of this happening?

Ok my second question is how likely is it to get noro in the summer cause I love this time of year and I would like it free of worry.

I would also like to say thank you for understanding and not judging me it really helps knowing you are all here to talk to and confide in :smile: x
http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/nmp/buttons/quote.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=1010184)

03-07-12, 11:31
hi i am emet too sorry to say noro can spread in summer my daughters school had an outbreak last month my daughter didnt get it luckyly. now then the food handlers wear gloves so u cant get it through food

03-07-12, 13:32
Hi Spuder,

I know it can spread in summer I just know it's not as bad, and the food handlers wearing gloves I never even thought of but it does make me feel a lot better :) I usually eat a lot of fruits and veg which have been known to carry noro as apparently not all fruit pickers are safe, do you think they will be ok as long as they are washed properly?

Thanks again your post has really helped :D x

03-07-12, 14:21
glad ive helped,yes i would wash yr veg and fruit lots. inbox me if u want a chat

lots of hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx