View Full Version : some perspective needed!

03-07-12, 12:46
hi, i've suffered from HA for about 8 years now. I've not been on here for a few months as i was doing really well, but i'm having a bit of a setback.

My biggest fear over the last year has been bowel/rectal/anal cancer. It started with a tiny lump i found just outside my back passage (sorry for tmi). I went tto the gp who confirmed it was a pile, saw another gp 2 weeks who agreed with the first.

I aventually managed to stop checking it 10+ times a day, but by this time i was having loose bowels and was sure i must have bowel cancer. For months i was terribly depressed and anxious, signed off my work and had no interest in life at all.

Now i've noticed this tiny lump again and i'm trying my best not to let the whole cycle start over again, but i'm struggling. I'm 46 and through research on the net i've found out that anal cancer is quite rare in my age group. Around 80 people in the uk get it every year. But that little voice is there, nagging away at me.

Can anyone help me rationalise?

03-07-12, 13:24
I have one too, actually I have had it for the past maybe 6, 7, 8 years (lost count). It acts up every few years. But I don't think they go away, so just think that you have had two doctors agree. Piles are so common that docs know what they look like right away.

For me, I am trying like heck to make myself stop researching things about my body online. It helps a little although I still need a lot of improvement.

When you hear the little voice, remind it gently that you have been to two doctors who knew right away what it was. You have anxiety, not cancer, and although it feels awful it will pass.