View Full Version : Feeling like a body part isnt yours

03-07-12, 16:00
Well it's been along time since iv posted on here but I'm back with more anxciety. At the moment I'm going through a horrible feeling of feeling like body parts arnt mine :-( Its very frustrating. I suppose I'm looking for some reassurance that this is my anxciety playing up n not me losing my mind. X

03-07-12, 16:09
I've had this feeling several times with my left leg...

03-07-12, 16:16
I keep having it with my right arm I swear im going to chop it off its very annoying :-(

03-07-12, 17:21
For how long do you have it?

03-07-12, 19:45
It's been a couple of days. Iv had it before. It's an awful feeling. Feels really weak n just not mine. I can't for the life of me think how I got over it last time. I keep feeling really strange in myself like when I talk it's not me talking if that makes sense? Z

03-07-12, 20:31
Ive had it for weeks although it seems is getting better

04-07-12, 09:10
I get this feeling with my tongue. It scares me cause I think I'm gonna swallow my tongue.