View Full Version : Low blood pressure!

03-07-12, 17:19
I have my monthly cycle and its over 2 weeks late im very dizzy and lightheaded, i have also had my beta blocker propranolol upped by 10mg so i take 30mg in morning and evening, i havnt been able to take the evening dose as my blood pressure has been around 100/70 the highest it being 114/69 and the lowest 98/69! Any suggestions?

03-07-12, 18:14
That is not a really low blood pressure at all. BP is not considered technically low until it goes below 90/60. I have very often had 90s/60s and have dizzy times when I get up too fast but it is no big deal. They say BP is not considered too low unless you have a lot of symptoms.

You can try eating salty foods to bring it up...why are you checking it anyway?


03-07-12, 18:28
thanks for the response! i suffer with a condition called pots, postural orthastatic tachycardia syndrome its a problem with your auto immune system and it causes low blood pressure and rapid pulse when stood up, but it just concerned me that my bp was low when resting! can food play apart? iv lost over a stone in the last 2 weeks due to my anxiety and stress, recently had suspected kidney stone and it caused alot of pain and trauma!

04-07-12, 03:23
That is not low blood pressure at all, I wouldn't be concerned. Even 60/90 is a good, healthy pressure. Anything below this is considered low but if it's not due to any serious health condition then this is nothing to worry about.

I would carry on taking your propranolol and see your doctor if you are concerned about it. I'm sure he will reassure you that everything is fine.

Food can indeed play a part in your blood pressure, but usually over a long amount of time. Things like salt increase your blood pressure, hence it being recommended that you eat less than 6g a day. Drinks such as green tea and other foods have been shown to lower blood pressure. Low blood pressure is better than high blood pressure! Things such as having a hot bath has been shown to significantly reduce blood pressure for a few hours if it is high, as well as reducing anxiety and aching muscles.

I know how you feel about loosing weight from anxiety. I lost about half a stone in a few days and I'm underweight as it is so I cannot to loose any more weight.

I really would not worry about your blood pressure. It is perfectly normal at the rate it is at :) mine sometimes drops below 60 when I'm not on any drugs such as propranolol! The highest I've had is 65/120, but this was probably higher than what I usually have naturally as I was in hospital suffering from a major panic attack, hooked up to about a million machines (stress/anxiety/panic attacks = high blood pressure), 65/120 is still low compared to yours.

04-07-12, 13:55
Thanks for the response il try not to worry about it so much then!
Problem is im a big worrier and after being in hospital on and off the last 2 weeks im a nervous wreck!
I already have a problem with my auto immune system but i usually have it under control!!
Now i just cant help thinking that everything i get is bad!
I think it was the hospital visits... they really set my anxiety levels so high!!
I have seen many of doctors and all say im fine blood work done urine tests done!! But why cant i just believe them?? I think its when im feeling so crappy i just cant convince myself!!
One problem goes and i find another one!!! I have my echocardiograph next week and my 24hr tape so will see how i get on with them!!!!!