View Full Version : Having photo taken makes me anxious

03-07-12, 18:28
Ok so here's one that would baffle the psychologists, I hate having to pose for photos or generally being in photos.

Yet I am actually happy with myself, my appearance etc, I have no problem looking at myself in the mirror, I have good confidence and self esteem when it comes to my body and appearance but I cringe when I see myself in photos.

The whole business of having my photo taken makes me feel anxious.

Does anyone else feel the same?

03-07-12, 18:36
I am exactly the same, it makes me feel really uncomfortable, even though I know that I am doing pretty good for my age.

I hate it with a vengeance!!!!!!!!!

03-07-12, 20:20
Yeah it makes me self conscious but even worse are passport style photos for legal documents and ID.

03-07-12, 20:34
me too!

03-07-12, 21:09
I always think I look alright in the mirror but then I see myself on facebook photos and feel horrified!

03-07-12, 21:25
Glad its not just me Pancho,:)

eight days a week
03-07-12, 22:15
Mouse you posted on another thread earlier about this.

I've been thinking and I already (actually, without realising until now!) beat this one by exposure.

It happened for me when my sis had her kids, so of course I got included in lots of vids, photos and whatnot. At first I was incredibly uncomfortable and would constantly try to pose, but it very quickly became second-nature to be filmed (it still never has become comfortable, and I'm sure it never will, but this is a huge change in me).

My 'tips':

- stop 'posing' - it's probably the main source of your anxiety!

- get someone to take loads of snaps of you, then when looking back you get rid of the worst - just delete them all - and what you are left with (maybe ten or so) let someone else choose the best, that most fits you, and let them show it to you and discuss it with them (what you don't like and then they tell you why they think it shows the 'true' you). If you have someone who cares about you, and you can trust to explain your phobia of photos, this should really help :)