View Full Version : Stroke

Anxiety Jim
03-07-12, 18:52

My mother said she has a tingling in the left side of her face, left arm, left leg and left foot.

She went to the GP today, he said it probably wasn't a stroke, and she has to go back tomorrow for blood tests.

I'm very worried the Dr might have missed something, it might have been a small stroke etc. She doesn't have anxiety or anything like that by the way.

Anyone had similar? What was it?

03-07-12, 19:21
Most people don't know they have anxiety to be honest Jim.

It could be a trapped nerve or something similar but it is best to follow what the doc suggests and see what happens after the blood tests.

05-07-12, 23:45
My nan suffered from a mini stroke. It wasn't just tingling, she couldn't move one side of her body for a few seconds, was trying to talk but all she could do was let out a quiet moan. She said it felt like someone was pouring sand over her head.

I wouldn't worry as it really doesn't sound like she had a stroke to me :) and that's real reassurance that your doctor doubts it too. Go for the blood tests and get back to us.