View Full Version : Festival anxiety! please help!

03-07-12, 22:16
so in 2 days im going to a festival and i have anxiety (mainly social) i worry about everything so much, whether i could faint, what people will think of me, do i look too fat in my clothes, do i have everything i need... etc. at the moment its stopping me being excited, i will be drinking at the festival but im usually still very self concious when im drinking.

im especially self concious about my legs, its been atleast 6 years since ive got them out in public because i hate my skin so im really really worried about that. i dont know, i just need reassureance or some tips to keep my cool while im there :)

thanks :)

Matt King
03-07-12, 22:52
I had a similar thing recently. Went to Download near Derby with a group of about 15 people i'd met online. Only ever met two of them in person and it was most fun i'd had in about a year.

In all honesty, my anxiety affected me less there than it had done in months. Are you going with friends? Have you been to a festival before?

Basically, just prepare for all the obvious things. Plenty of spare clothes, wellies, tent etc. Google "festival survival guide" There's a really in depth one that covers everything.

Once you're there and all set up, go with the flow and enjoy yourself :)

03-07-12, 22:55
im going with my friends but they dont really understand my anxiety and a lot of them dont know about it, ive never been to a festival before and i went to coldplay last month and fainted so now im worrying it will happen there... i honestly dont even want to go

Matt King
03-07-12, 23:03
How come you fainted at the Coldplay gig?

I'd encourage you to go rather than avoid it and miss out. although of course it's your decision. :)

Also, are you seeing anybody about your anxiety?

04-07-12, 00:03
im not quite sure why i fainted, i didnt eat much in the day but my blood sugar was fine but im now on iron for anemia so i think it was that :) i was seeing the councillor at my college because the waiting list to see a therapist was really long on the NHS but im now on summer holidays so im not seeing my councillor and im on anti depressants but theyre not helping my anxiety :\ ive just spoke with my mum and sister they told me to go for it anyway cos i need to do smaller things like go to festivals before i can go to uni or something because it will build up my confidence, but im going to make a definite decision tomorrow in the day, i will probably go but idk :\ thanks so much though :)

05-07-12, 00:15
Hey Robin,

I would say GO! I know it can be scary but you might end up having an absolutely amazing time! I recently went high speed go karting and I was so nervous, what if I crash, what if I get really anxious while driving? So many What IF's. In the end it was so much fun even tho I felt like I was going to throw up from all the sharp movement!

I say DO IT! Don't let anxiety bully you out of life experiences!

Let us know how it goes and have fun!