View Full Version : I need someone to talk to please.

03-07-12, 22:23
Okay in one of my last posts i have mentioned that i broke up with my boyfriend after 3 years and things can not be sorted because his family was causing too much trouble towards us. And now his aunt, cousin and his cousin friend have been bullying me.

His cousin's friend is a 16 year old girl, and has threatened that she is going to beat me up and hit me when she sees me, and she has been saying that i fake my panic attacks, and because i couldnt go out at one point she said im fake and i am just over exaggerating but im not. She doesnt know what it is like to be like this, and it is really getting to me and making me feel so low when i have just started to gain my confidence back and now i know im not going to be comfortable to go out by myself and i can feel my panic attacks getting worse!

Im now living back at my mums, in a 2 bedroom council flat, my sister has one room, i have the box room with 2 cats, and my mum and dad has their bed in the front room with their 3 cats, so it is so over crowded, and my dad goes to the pub everynight and comes home and my mum and dad argue every night and this makes me worse, i cannot talk to them about this because i just get shouted at and called names.

Can someone please give me some advice or just talk to me please because i literally cannot take no more :(

Sorry for such a long post! xx

03-07-12, 22:34

Firstly, No one has the right to threaten you with violence. If you have proof of this eg: txt messages then inform the police and they could warn her off.

Can i ask what age you are?


03-07-12, 22:37
I know its not fair :( I have a facebook message from the girl saying that she is going to hit me.

And im 19 years old x

03-07-12, 22:40
U need to go and see your doctor as soon as u get the chance and explain to him what's going on in your life and how your feeling tell him everything your doctor can get u the help and support u truly need ;)

03-07-12, 22:40
Well in that case, you could contact the police and have her warned about threatening violence. She sounds like a stupid kid whose trying to make herself look big.

Do you have friends or another family member that you could talk to?

03-07-12, 22:44
Hi Louise
Have you seen your GP about the panic attacks? If not, I would suggest that you do as they are ways they can help you.
It sounds as if you are in a difficult situation at the moment and that your friends and family do not really understand what you are going through. Therefore its really important that you get help from professionals such as your GP who will understand your condition and can treat it.
I really hope things get better for you, big hugs :hugs:

03-07-12, 22:48
Holly is totally right Louise u really do need to see your GP :)

03-07-12, 23:32
Hi everyone,

Thank you all for your replies, yes i have been to my GP and i am currently waiting for CBT therapy, and i will defo go to my doctor to talk to them about everything, Thaank you all for your replies :) xx