View Full Version : Falling to pieces please help

03-07-12, 23:03
I know no one on here is a doctor but its so nice to have somewhere to post. I am freaking out, I have a sore right breast still after losing my baby in January. I have had two ultasounds, mamogram, tons and I mean tons of blood work, ct scan of chest ( looking for a blood clot in lung) and they found nothing. But the pain is still there, and I have a few small purple spots on my nipple that hurt when I squeeze them. I am so worried that those spots are that pagnets disease! I am so scared I cant breethe! My biggest fear is cancer and I am sure thats what this will turn out to be! I feel like I should go to the emergency room or something!

Matt King
03-07-12, 23:14
I'm very sorry to hear about your loss :( my condolences.

Have you spoken to your GP about these spots? Anxiety/stress does work in funny ways. I'm sure they would have found something with all those tests but of course, go and see your GP about it. Sorry i couldn't be much help :)

03-07-12, 23:16
With all them tests i wouldnt worry atttttt all!!! Doctors get paid alot of money to do their jobs!!!
Ithink your just having a mad flare of Health Anxiety!!

05-07-12, 19:08
I am so sorry to hear that you lost your baby, it can take a very long time for hormones to settle down after such an experience, perhaps the spots are connected to your hormone levels? x