View Full Version : shaking, involuntary movement or spasms?

04-07-12, 10:06
I don't know how to best describe this...but it happens in the morning. Mostly it's a involuntary movement of my left arm, but also a similar thing with my head. I don't think it's spams because there's no pain...just that my arms shakes or move for 1-2s...the same with my head. Also it's usually happens when I'm half a sleep in the morning.

Anybody with something similar? Is it anxiety?

04-07-12, 10:42
Hi. This is something iv had alot for years. It's definitely anxciety. Just something iv learned to live with. Iv been to the hospital aswel afew times because they came so bad and uncontrollable and they didn't seem concerned. I notice it happens to me wen I'm more stressed or lack of sleep. Try n relax its normal z

04-07-12, 13:34
thanx for you reply...it's scary when your arm moves involuntarily...but at least knowing that it's anxiety I'll have to get used to it.

04-07-12, 15:16
I get this too, it started with my left thumb then the finger next to it would go too, then my arms and legs started and my head does it too now, I said I feel like a nodding dog at times, scares the life out of me :(

04-07-12, 16:01
sorry to hear that you have the same issue...but at least it seems to be something related with anxiety.

do you also have it mostly in the morning when half a sleep...or it happens during the day also?

05-07-12, 12:46
Hi Matrix - this issue triggered my HA! It used to happen when I was about to fall asleep. My leg or arm would jump of it's own accord. Scared the crap out of me and didn't sleep for days. As my anxiety got worse it started happening during the day. An arm, leg and even my head would just twitch or jerk without warning. Sometimes they were mild but at times they were quite violent. I ended up at A&E one night because they were so bad I thought I was having some kind of seizure. I do still get them but nowhere near as often and now I know it's anxiety I don't worry about them. xx

05-07-12, 13:57
thanx meche for your reply. Until now I had them only in the morning when half a sleep ( I guess that's when my anxiety is at its worst). Hopefully it will get better and they will stop.