View Full Version : Does anyone else feel like EVERYTHING is going wrong!!

04-07-12, 12:05
Is it just me or does everything seem to go wrong when you are at your lowest point? Ever since this bout of anxiety hit me over 3 weeks ago absolutely everything seems to be going wrong for me. We have really bad money worries, I've just stopped smoking and moved on to an electronic cigarette which I have had to purchase 4 different ones because they either don't work or they cost too much to refill, and even now I still don't have one that works! We recently bought a car which took us forever to save for, so that my partner can start his new job but it can't be driven until the DVLA release the log book because it was bought at an auction from an insurance company, its already taken 4 weeks and we have another 2 to wait. We have bills coming up from everywhere and no money to pay for them. Since I've been ill not one of my friends have been to see me at all and then I have the daily struggle of HA and I can't see a way out, my meds were upped to 150mg (Effexor) 2 weeks ago and i've calmed a little but not enough to go out and do things, I don't know maybe i'm just feeling sorry for myself but this is so hard :'(

04-07-12, 12:34
GOOD FOR YOU for quitting smoking!!! That is a huge thing in and of itself and you deserve to be applauded for doing so. Do you think your anxiety may be worse because of quitting smoking? I wouldn't be surprised honestly. Not that the stressors aren't real, but maybe you feel them even more because you are quitting smoking.

Not that you should start again - I just mean I think you are doing great considering what you are going through and just remind yourself that you are strong, you are doing something that not many people can do, and so you can get through this rough patch.

04-07-12, 12:49
Thank you, I don't think it makes much dif as the electronic cig still gives me the nicotine just not the harmfull tar and other chemicals so i'm not depriving myself of what i'm addicted to however in a round about way it has a lot to do with it as the reason i stopped was because i had a really bad real health scare, i'd had a bad cough for 4 weeks and went to a walk in centre doc there listened to my chest and said you have COPD or Enphacema as its also known as. I went to my own doc in dispair and he said you cant tell by just listening to my chest so sent me for the right test which was negative thank god, but I did have bronchitis, now i'm terrified that the brochitis will keep coming back and turn in to chronic bronchitis! That would re occurr 3 times yearly last for 4 weeks and would cause breathing difficultis, there is no cure for it, so this is what i'm afraid of, the fear os so strong I can't live my life normally, I also have 3 children, 17 mnths, 4 and 11 this os so hard for them too