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04-07-12, 14:35
Hi all, would just like to introduce myself, I am 34 and suffered with anxiety for about 7 years, maybe after a couple of stressful events. I quite anxious about my health more than anything but usually only have anxiety when hormonal and get quite down at that time as well but anxiety is more of a problem. I have tried to ssri antidepressants in the past and didn't tolerate them but given it another go and tried seraltine which I am tolerating well. I am waiting for cbt too as I really need to get my quality of life back as I have become so scared of the anxiety symptoms though its the psychological symptoms that bother me most, like feeling like I going mad.

04-07-12, 14:47
Hi anxious2

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

04-07-12, 17:59
My anxiety was unbearable before and during my period, I could not leave the house for 2 weeks. I have had the contraseptive Depo' injection for about 10 years now and my anxiety is more stable. Perhaps worth discussing with your GP.

04-07-12, 19:30
Hi bobbydog, sounds much like me I am terrible the week before and the week during my period, I will go out but I wake up panicky, think more irrationally and even feel like I going mad then when my period finishes I am much calmer with nothing on my mind.

I have tried the depo injection years ago and bled every day for 12 months, also had probs with coil and pill, though I have endometriosis so should really be on the pill to help with that, but we have a strong family history of breast cancer. To be honest I will be glad to see the back of my periods lol

04-07-12, 22:22
I also find that my health anxiety and anxiety in general has been much worse around my periods and I also have endometriosis (this isn't health anxiety; it's the real thing - wow!)

Maybe living with pain or the knowledge that pain will be a constant can provoke anxiety, or we use anxiety as a mechanism to filter out the physical pain? Maybe it's the unknowing about when the pain might kick in but the knowledge that it definitely will? Heaps of theories and no answers...

My health anxiety is much better than it was; I think I'm done with it (fingers crossed) but I have posted on this elsewhere. My anxiety levels in general, though, really do spike pre-period. Interesting to hear other women say this.


04-07-12, 23:01
hello :)
you are not going mad. youre just having a really tough time. but i found cbt plus coming on here daily to rant really helps. i used to have anxiety really bad but i am much better now as long as i keep busy and organised. with volunteering college and the gym is a great stress release for me also.
i am sorry that you went through some painful experiences maybe talking about and address these issues either on nmp or to your cbt councillor youn can begin to deal with them. repressing issues never helped me it simply dragged me down.
but everyones different hopefully you can take different parts of people advice and adapt them to suit you.
hope i helped xxx