View Full Version : thrush dilema, please advise

04-07-12, 14:38
Hi everyone,
I have mild thrush reselting from using too scented bathing products. My husband and I are trying to conceive and I wondered if it would be ok to use the cream applicator for the inside and cream for the outside ?
Thank you

04-07-12, 15:11
Your not pregnant yet I take it ? The cream and pessary will be perfectly fine to use, to be honest if you are anything like lots of women you will end up using it loads through pregnancy as it is one of those joys, I had to have the pessary administered when I was pregnant with my eldest and all was fine.

04-07-12, 15:24
Hi, thank you for replying. I don't think I'm pregnant. Monthies due next week but was just worried as it said on the packet not to take if ure trying for a baby or pregnant.
Is a pessary the cream filled applicator or I've read there is a tablet u insert up there.
Thanks again

04-07-12, 17:55
I used cream and pessary but it kept re-occuring, went to the doctor and got an oral tablet and never had a problem since. The tablets are about £12 in the chemist, it is cheaper to get a prescription.

04-07-12, 19:26
If there is any chance at all that you could be pregnant then you mustn't use the oral tablet. The cream and pessary are fine but when I was pregnant the midwife told me to insert the tablet with my dinger instead of the plastic applicator so it doesn't bruise your cervix. Hope that helps and good luck with TTC. When I was TTC I literally had thrush every month so I feel your pain.

04-07-12, 22:16
Hello everyone,
Thank you all for taking the time to reply to my thread. I really appreciate it
Warm wishes