View Full Version : Am I the only one who leaves the doctors feeling unreassured

04-07-12, 17:58
Hi all,

Why is it that I (and probably a number of others) leave the doctors feeling like you don't believe them?

I have a wierd lump thing I can feel in my throat and my jaw was swollen and sore so I went along. He had a quick look in my mouth, a push around my jaw and teeth and sent me home with an anti bac mouthwash saying he couldn't see anything wrong.

Now surely there must be something that is causing the funny lump that I can feel constantly on the back of my tongue. I was convinced I had mouth cancer and was hoping he would have a good poke around but he just had a quick look and said all was well.

I'm kind of now hoping that he would have noticed something as serious as mouth cancer even with just a quick look. Saying that, I was at the dentist about 2 months ago so I would have hoped if it was serious then even the dentist would have noticed it.

Doctors using words like 'I don't think' and it's 'probably' doesn't fill me with much reassurance.

04-07-12, 18:29
I never feel reassured either. I wonder if it might be a lingual tonsil that is irritated by an infection or something? Those are at the back of your tongue. I didn't know they existed until I found one and thought I had a tumor, rushed to the ENT, and he told me it was just my tonsil.

04-07-12, 18:35
It's over to the right hand side, doesn't feel far enough down to be a tonsil issue. It's like something is stuck between my tongue and the side of my throat.

04-07-12, 19:17
I know exactly how your feeling I too feel unreassured by my GP's advice. I have an irritation under my tongue that's been there for a while on a bad day I get sore down the side of my neck. I must admit I have seen 3 Dr's and have been to ENT all of whom found nothing. I mentioned it to my dentist again last week & he's referring me to the oral clinic he also said "I don't think it's sinister so don't worry " I'm sorry but saying that to somebody that suffers with HA make's the anxiety peak I'm now at my wits end waiting for a letter. The pain isn't there all the time it's on the left right at the back under my tongue.

Over the last few days I have noticed that I clench my teeth a lot which is brought on by tension just wondering if that has anything to do with it but tbh I am thinking the worst and no amount of reassurance make's a difference ...

04-07-12, 19:46
Is it like a big spot at back of tongue? If so, these are normal and form a line of spots at back of tongue. I totally empathise as I always have mouth, throat worries.

04-07-12, 20:15
Hi Louise. It's hard to explain really. It's like something is stuck under my tongue, but towards the right side, in the little cavity down at the back of your mouth. I've had food stuck there before but always managed to get it out. This has been there for a week now. I even stuck the shower head on power rinse and shoved it in my mouth in case it was something stuck. All that done was drowned me lol.

It's either a lump on my tongue, or something attached to the inside of my mouth. Whatever it is, its bringing my anxiety on big time which sucks as I go on holiday Monday.

04-07-12, 20:18
that's exactly where i found my lump that turned out to be a tonsil. another thing it could be is a mucus cyst (i have one of those too under the tongue) which is harmless, just a bubble of mucus that doesn't go away.

04-07-12, 20:21
Thanks for your replies, its driving my already over active imagination wild. I'm constantly thing to cough it up, clear my throat but the damned thing won't go.

Matt King
04-07-12, 20:44
You're not alone. I went to the doctors a few weeks after giving up smoking, went in as an emergency appointment in a complete mess, explained about everything from chest pains, warm painful feeling in my left arm, came out in a bruise on my left arm, shortness of breath, fainting feelings etc. Absolutely no idea what was going on with me, convinced i was dying and all i got was that it was anxiety. I just felt patronized. How could chest pains even be anxiety? Chest pains = heart trouble of course (or so i was convinced at the time).

It wasn't til i started reading about health anxiety it started making sense. You just have to trust doctors know what they're doing. After all they're professionals and have trained for years to get where they are :)

04-07-12, 21:19
Mine is underneath right at the back, I have tried sticking my tongue out to have look but I can't see anything out of the ordinary to my right side.. I was told by my dentist that it cold be a nodule or a blocked saliva gland so I have been eating & drinking bitter tasting foods as it's supposed to get your glands working & producing more saliva..
As for Dr's I don't trust them & feel that if you regularly visit your GP he's going to put every symptom down to anxiety.
I think that if you feel that something isn't right with your body you should push for bloods, scans or whatever it take's if only for a peace of mind :)