View Full Version : becoming an individual

04-07-12, 22:04
hello people :)
i have lived on my own since i was 16 so for over a year now. but even though i escped my mother and her cruelty i still lived under her rules as i was so used to them.
i was used to her ocd so i constantly cleaned every where which caused high anxiety for myself as i could never relax as i always thought i hadnt done enough. i also only ate junk food and constantly put myself down as my mother constantly did this.
Now i am through a stage in my depression where i can say i dont like something but it not be the end of the world instead i can logically ask myself how can i change that?
so at the minute i am on a course, volunteering, trying to loose weight and for me the most exciting thing of all is when i turn 18 i am getting a big tattoo of a peacock feather on my leg. which i know my mother will hate but its about me. it is for my grandad as he was a bird watcher and it also sybolises how i am become an individual who is proud of herself xxxx

expecto patronum
07-07-12, 14:03
Well done, you are doing brilliantly :yesyes:

08-07-12, 09:48
thank you xxx

09-07-12, 13:50
Well done hun ..You cant go through life always trying to please others to be accepted .Its also very important to do what makes you happy Live by your own rules and standards ..You matter too, and being yourself is what makes you unique .T/c Sue xx:hugs:https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/282819_271501882957017_825031715_n.jpg