View Full Version : should i butt out?

04-07-12, 22:12
hello. sorry if im ranting just stuff on my mind :)
my boyfriend has an alcholic drug user mother who isnt able to do anything for herself. she is capable but she is very child like she is used to whiny and people doing stuff for her giving her money mostly.
i used to get on really well with her but a few months ago she called my boyfriend calling me all kinds of names for no apparant reason exepct where she felt her son wasnt forfilling in life she blamed on me. so since then he hasnt really spoke to her.
Tonight we went round expecting a nice chat and meal. we were suprised though as she had called us to come round. i should have known she was after something. Money again.
But its really got my anxiety high because i am about to move in with my boyfriend and i am scared that drug dealers will be coming round asking for money etc because she hasnt paid. or that we wont have money for food because hes given it to her.
what should i do? butt out? or am i just being silly?

05-07-12, 14:32
Sounds a bit like my ex-gf's mum!!

Have you discussed the fact you're concerned with your bf? Perhaps it's best to let him make calls about it and try to control stuff regarding her! O.O

05-07-12, 17:32
Thanks hoppipolla :)
I will give it a go I'm just scaared of upsetting him as yes she's a pain and using him but its also his mother. I will try and be careful with what I say xxx