View Full Version : Finally secured an ENT refferal!

04-07-12, 22:26
I know this may seem like a strange thing to be happy about but I am so glad that some action is finally being taken!
Many of you who've read my previous posts will know that I've been having a right drama with my lymph nodes! Multiple nodes swollen painlessy for months now but impossible to get a biopsy arranged because they are small and moveable.
I've been treated like a bit of a joke for ages now but finally found a way to get my doctors to take notice.

I did it by sticking to one doctor and not doing my usual trick of running between every doctor in the surgery! And instead of going several times a week like I was doing, I tried to wait at least 2 weeks between appointments to show that I wasn't just running straight back at the slightest problem.
My doctor is the head GP at the surgery so you normally have to wait about 2 or 3 weeks to see him anyway because he's usually fully booked, so this actually worked out quite well for me.

So, to all those who are having issues with doctors taking them seriously, don't give up! But do try and leave a suitable amount of time between appointments and do try to resist the urge for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th opinions....:blush:.
You will eventually get heard but have to show that you are trying to get a hold of your health anxiety problems. They seem much more willing to help you if you do.

Of course I am now very worried about this ENT but if this is anything, it's better to know and get help. I sometimes think an actual diagnosis cannot be any worse than the hell I've been going through these past few months.